Chapter Seventeen

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Omg if this actually happened in Riverdale I'd cry for weeks about this. If you get emotional easily, lol sorry. If u listen to Say Something while reading this like I did...oh my god

I woke up in a bed, restrained with handcuffs on each side of the bed. They rattled as I tried to struggle out, but then that stupid Sister Woodhouse sat on my bed.

"Now my dear, don't struggle. You aren't getting out of those. Is there a last call you'd like to make to someone" she asked.

"L-last c-c-call?" I said trembling.

"Yes. Do you have anyone in mind?" she asked.

"Yes I do" I said.

"I'll give you the phone and I'll be right outside when you're finished" she said handing me the phone.

I called Toni immediately to let her know I was here. I think she knew I was going to call Toni. That probably why she drugged me about 5 minutes ago.

"Toni..." I said crying.

"Babe, what's wrong?" she said.

"I-I'm at the Sisters of Quiet Mercy" I said.

"What?" I'll get you out.

"No, Toni. They blocked off the wall and also..."

"What Cheryl?" said Toni.

"Toni...they said this was my last call. I don't know if I'll ever see or hear you ever again" I said sobbing.

"Listen. You stay strong. I'll going to get you out of there. Cheryl I swear on my life I'm going to save you. Just please... don't die. I can't lose you. You're the love of my life I love you so much. I can't live without you" she said.

"Toni. I love you so much. If I die Toni, don't waste your time. Find someone else to love okay? Live your life babe. Remember that I will always love you. I love you so much that if I could, I'd take my own life if it meant saving yours. You changed my life Toni. Thank you" I said crying hysterically.

"I love you so much Cheryl. I've loved you for the longest time and I'm sorry for not being able to be there. If I could-"

And then the moment in which made me almost scream because I cried so hard. After Toni said 'If I could' we both said at the same time: 'I would make time stop so that I could kiss you forever.'

"Stay with me Okay?" said Toni crying.

"I'll try."

I ended the call and gave Sister Woodhouse the phone. She gave me blue sweatpants and a red t-shirt to change into.

When she left, I cried so loud that someone from across the hall called one of those guys because they thought I was dying.

In a way, I was. I was dying from the inside out.

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