Chapter Twelve

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I woke up in the morning and we were already late.

"Cheryl. Wake up" I said slightly shoving her.

"Ugh. Babe wake up" I said.

She softly groaned and said "Five more minutes please."

"Cher, you know I would but we have school."

She got her face out of the pillows and I said "Ah, there's that beautiful face."

"Did you sleep well?" I asked.

"No, but seeing you is helping" she said getting out of bed.

She changed into some of my clothes and we went downstairs.

I took two pancakes and out them on my plate as Cheryl's hands stayed under the table; her plate empty.

"Cher, aren't you gonna eat?" I asked.

"I'm not really in the mood for eating. My stomach still hurts a little" she said.

"Okay, I'll keep one for you then if your hungry at school" I said.

We hopped onto my motorcycle and drive off to school. Betty and Veronica has left much easier, because they had actually woken up on time.

And by the time we got there, everyone was talking about what Veronica and Betty saw with Cheryl and I last night. Nothing and, it's just that people were over obsessing about how 'cute' it was.

"I have English first. I'll see you later though babe" I said kissing her cheek.

"Bye" she said.

A crowd of people had their phones out and recorded that but then Principal Weatherbee said "Okay okay, get to class."


It was now Vixen practice and I waited by Cheryl's locker so that we could walk to the locker room together.

I saw her walking down the hall, and she smiled as soon as she saw me waiting for her by her locker.

"Hey T.T" she said putting away her things.

"Hey. You ready? I was going to go to practice but I decided to wait" I said.

"Uh yeah I think. And thanks" she said as we started walking into the locker room.

We went into the locker room and then I had a moment, where I looked back into what had happened this week.

Out of nowhere, I started crying, and Cheryl immediately noticed and hugged me.

"Babe, What's wrong?" She asked.

"I-I just looked back into what has happened to you this week, a-and I don't think that I want to or can live without you."

"It's okay" she said pulling some of my hair back. "I'm okay."


It was now after Vixen practice and Cheryl was going over to my house, along with Betty and Veronica, for a movie night. And of course the guys would be there too.

"You guys ready?" asked Jughead.

Everyone else nodded, and Veronica drove us in her car to the house.

Since it was a Friday, we didn't have homework to immoderately, so we decided to let the guys be downstairs and play video games while Betty, Cheryl, Veronica, and I were in my room doing homework.

"So are you guys a couple now?" asked Veronica.

"I'll leave you to guess that" I said playing with Cheryl's hair.

We talked for a while to pass the time, until the guys were satisfied with the time they'd have playing whatever game Fangs got them addicted to.

"Movie time!" yelled Fangs.

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