Chapter Fifteen

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It was pretty much a very quiet day in the house. It'd b louder if the guys weren't gone. And Veronica had to leave hours ago because Hiram wouldn't let her stay here a second longer.

Betty stayed with me and we chilled in the house; every so often checking on Cheryl who had been pretty much sleeping the entire day.

"Do you hear that?" said Betty.

"No, what is it?" I asked.

"I think it's Cheryl's phone" said Betty starting to look around the room.

I picked up Cheryl's phone and the contact said "Mom."

"Oh god. Her mom's literally satan and Cheryl hasn't been home in weeks" said Betty.

"Cher wake up, your mom's calling" I said.

She groaned and picked up the phone.


"Cheryl if you don't get to this house by the end of the day, I'll make you suffer more than how Thornhill burned down to the ground."

She ended the call and smiled.

"My mother is telling me to go back home. That's all" she said.

"Okay. I'll drop you off" I said.

"No, it's fine T.T" she said getting up.

"Thanks T.T. And Betty. I'll see you guys in school?"

"Yeah. Bye Cheryl" said Betty.

I waved goodbye and she left.

"There's no way that Penelope Blossom only told Cheryl to go home" said Betty.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

I had little contact with Cheryl's mom, but all Cher ever told me was that her mom was really mean.

"When her brother Jason died, her mom wouldn't even let her stay home from school one day. And her mother blamed her for her father's death and Jason's."


"Incredibly devilish. I know" said Betty.

"I remember when we were in seventh  grade, Cheryl's mom hated that her and I were friends. The day after we had a sleepover, she came back to school and didn't say a word to anyone for the rest of the week. She lumped everywhere she went and the tears. Silent tears for the whole week. Never said a word" said Betty.

"Oh my god" I said.

"I heard that her mom hasn't been hurting her lately so I'm hoping that we won't have to worry as much as I think we will" said Betty.

Cheryl hadn't told me anything about her mom. Looking back on all the times we talked about her mom, she usually shut herself down or changed he subject.

"She'll be fine. Besides, we have school tomorrow. We can check in on her then" I said.

"So when are you gonna go home? Does your mom not care about how long you're gone for?" I asked.

"I think about two or three days is the limit. But I think I'd better get going anyway" said Betty.

"Okay then" I said.

"Drive safe."

"Thanks. Have a good day" said Betty.

"You too."

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