Chapter 14: Emilys Point of view.

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After i kissed Michael i walked up the steps to my parents' house. I walked in. "Emily is that you?" My mom called.

"Yeah mom. But don't get used to me being here because im moving out." I told my parents.

"Nonsense! You're only 17." My dad pointed out.

"Well im leaving. I came to get my stuff." I said while walking to my room.

I grabbed a bag and stuffed clothing, bras and underwear in it. I walked into my bathroom, grabbing all my toiletries.

"And don't expect an invitation to the wedding." I said, about to walk out.

"Emily sweetie dont go!" My mom cried.

I took a deep breath. "Goodbye." I said, slamming the door.

I broke down to my knees on the front porch, crying into my hands. Michael ran up the steps from his motorcycle. "Baby are you okay?" He asked, prying my hands from my eyes.

"Lets just go." I told him. "Its probably best."

He nodded in agreement, and we walked back to the motorcycle. I saw my parents in the living room window. My mom was crying and my dad looked disappointed.

I took a deep breath and my words followed. "Drive."

Michael obeyed and i laid my head on his shoulder while we sped down the freeway. When we pulled into his house he looked back at me. "You okay?" He asked.

I nodded and choked back a sob. No! I wanted to say. Because i wasn't. I was emotionally destroyed because of my parents. I've left everything behind; my family, my education, and my friends. All for this boy. This one boy that every morning when i wake up and see him i fall in love with him all over again.

I squeezed Michael tighter. And cried silently into his shoulder.

We pulled into Michael's drive way and he turned to me after we got off his motorcycle. "Spill." Michael said to me.

"Spill what?" I asked.

"Whats wrong with you? You seem depressed lately." Michael told me, his arms crossed across his chest and he was biting his lip.

I took a shaky breath and opened my mouth to speak, but all that came out was a sob. I felt tears streaming down my face.

Michael opened his arms and i walked into them. He had his face in my hair as he squeezed me tightly, pressing me against him.

"I love you. So much." He said and his voice broke as if he was about to cry.

I looked up at him and saw the tears spill from his eyes. "Why are you crying?" I asked.

"Because you are. I can't take you being sad." Michael responded.

I squeezed Michael tighter, crying on his shoulder.

"We should go inside. Its cold out here. I don't want you to get sick." He murmured softly into my ear.

He walked me into the house and brought me up to his room. "You're shaking, get under the covers." Michael said.

I pulled my dress over my head and crawled in the bed next to Michael. He had me beside him, my head on his shoulder and his fingers running up and down my back, singing softly.

I felt my eyes flutter closed and the last thing i remembered was Michael saying "I'll always love you." And kissing my forehead before i fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2014 ⏰

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