Chapter eleven: still Michaels point of view

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The garage opened revealing my black car. It was a Lamborghini with silver rims.

"Woah." Emily said. "Damn that's a hot car."

I opened the door for her. "Thank you. It was a gift." I said.

She god in and ran her hands over the black leather. "It smells new." She said.

"It is new." I told her starting the car. The engine purred.

"Wow." She looked flabbergasted.

"I know babe." I laughed. "Its not that impressive."

"Um for a girl who has a '99 Ford Explorer it is." She said laughing. "Like seriously its a hot car. How did your parents afford it?"

"Well you know how im in that band? 5 Seconds Of Summer? Well im rich because of that. So i bought a car." I told her.

She shook her head in awe as we pulled out of the driveway. "Its so quiet."

"Watch this." I stepped on the gas and we sped foreword. After a minute i slowed back down. "Pretty cool, huh?" I asked.

Emily laughed and nodded.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. "Can you get that?" I asked, scooting over so she could reach into my pocket.

Emily nodded and grabbed my phone. "Its a text from Hillary. She says 'i miss you take me back.'"

"Text her saying 'this is Michael's girlfriend. Leave him alone he's mine.'" I told her.

She typed quickly then have me back my phone, but it vibrated again.

"It says 'listen you skank-hoe you stay away from Michael. I had him first.'" Emily told me.

"Ignore it." I ordered.

It vibrated longer. "Here let me see." I answered the phone. "Hello? Yeah let me ask." I turned to Emily. "Do you want to go over to Calum's house and meet my band?"

She nodded.

"Yeah that would be awesome." I said to Callum.

"Great. Meet us here right now. We ordered pizza." Callum said.

"Cool, bro. See you there." I hung up the phone. "Put it in my pocket?" I asked.

Emily put it in hers. "No more distractions. Drive." She ordered.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine."

I put my hand over Emily's. she looked upset. "Are you okay?" I asked.

She sighed and nodded. "Nervous." She told me.

"About?" I asked.

"Your friends." Emily murmured.

"Don't be. They'll love you." I kissed her forehead.

"MICHAEL DRIVE EYES ON THE ROAD!" she said, taking the wheel.

"Calm." I laughed.

"Sorry... I get nervous in cars." She told me.

"Its fine." I said, pulling into Callum's house. "Ready?"

She nodded, and stepped out of the car. I took her hand and walked up to te house, ringing the doorbell.

Callum answered in nothing but boxers. "Hey man. Come on in." He said to me.

"Hey Callum. This is Emily... My girlfriend."

Callum smirked. "Its a pleasure." He said, kissing Emily's hand.

I pulled him back, and slammed him against the wall. "Don't... Ever... Do.. That again." I said through my teeth.

"Mikey! are you crazy?!" Emily looked panicked.

"What?" I asked.

"You have a crazy look in your eyes and you just slammed Callum against the wall and you have your fist up like you're about to punch him!" She said.

I looked at Callum and let go of his shirt and put my fist down. "Sorry." I said to Him.

"I think we need to have a little talk." Emily said, grabbing my shirt collar and pulling me into the kitchen by it. She looked pissed.

"What the fuck was that?!" she asked.

"What?" I was confused.

"You're insane! It was just a friendly gesture!" Emily shouted.

"Quiet. And I don't like him kissing your hand." I told her.

"Well i don't care! He was being nice, so you need to do the same!" she yelled.

"Em, honey, quiet." I said calmly.

"I won't be quiet! You better straighten up do you understand?! You can't be so protective!" She yelled.

"Im sorry. I-i just love you." I said quietly.

Her voice softened a bit. "I love you too. But you don't have to protect me."

"Okay. But i feel like i should." I told her.

"You can protect me. Just not from your friends." She said.

"Okay deal." I agreed.

"Can we go out now?" I asked.

"Of course." Emily replied.

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