Chapter Six

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I lay in Michael's arms. It was snowing heavily outside, and i noticed Michael start to nod off.

"Sleep." I said when he snapped awake a third time.

"But what if you need me?" His eyes were full of concern.

"Then I'll wake you." I promised.



"Wake me for anything. Anything you need. Do you understand?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Okay good." Michael kissed my head and fell asleep quickly.

I sighed and snuggled next to him. What am i gonna do about my parents? They're pissed, that's for sure. But can i ever come home? Do they ever want to see me again? I sighed again and sat up. I have to pee.

I walked out of Michael's room and down the hall. I saw the bathroom about four doors down, and walked in.

While i was washing my hands i heard a thump. I turned off the water and opened the door, peering out into the hallway.

I walked back towards Michael's room. "Mikey?" I called, walking in.

"Emily!" He exclaimed, pulling me to him.

"I told you to wake me. I-I thought something happened." Michael said, his eyes full of concern.

"Baby i'm fine. I just had to pee." I explained.

Michael hugged me again.

"What are you so worried about?" I asked.

"Im afraid that you're gonna leave me." He told me.

"No. I won't." I promised.

Michael kissed my nose. "Good. Because i need you."

I had my hand on his cheek when i felt that he was hot.

My smile dropped and i felt his forehead. "Baby you're burning up." I told him.

"Thanks. You're pretty hot yourself." He said with a wink.

"No you ignorant slut. I think you have a fever." I told him.

"Ignorant slut?" He asked, a smile playing on his lips.

"We need to get you to a doctor." I said.

Michael rolled his eyes. "Fine."

He lead me outside an to his motorcycle. Michael helped me on, and started it up. We drove for about 30 minutes to the nearest doctors office.

"Hi. I, um, don't have an appointment. Is that okay?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am. I just need the patient to fill this out please." The receptionist said, handing me a stack of paperwork.

I brought it to Michael. "Fill it out." I ordered.

"Can't you do it? Im siiiiiiiiiickkkk." Michael whined, jutting his bottom lip out an giving me puppy dog eyes.

I sighed. "Fine. What're your symptoms?" i asked.

"Im tired. My head hurts, my stomach hurts, and my throat hurts." He told me, sighing after each thing.

" And a high fever." I added.

I finished up by asking Michael simple questions like his address, his phone number, and his full name.

I handed the paperwork back to the receptionist. "The doctor will see you in a few." She told me

"Thank you." I responded.

"My pleasure." I smiled at her, and walked back to Michael.

"I don't feel good." He said, laying his head on my shoulder.

"I know baby." I said, stroking his hair. "You're acting like a child."

"You're my mommy." He told me.

I laughed. "No not quite babe." I responded.

"Considering im older than you." Michael added.

"Wow. You really mustn't feel good. No sexual humor or sarcasm." I noted.

Michael smiled. "Guess not."

"Michael Gordon?" A nurse asked.

"That's us." I said, grabbing Michael's hand. "Come on."

"Carry me?" He asked.

"You weigh WAY more than i do." I pointed out.

Michael sighed and got up. We walked into a small room with one of those hospital beds and a desk, with a single chair.

"The doctor will see you momentarily." The nurse said.

I stared at Michael laying on the table. He looked miserable.

"You look pale." I murmured.

"I feel pale." He murmured back.

The door opened, and a handsome male doctor walked in. "Hi. Im doctor Constantine." He said offering me his hand.

I shook it once. "Im Emily. And that's Michael." I said nodding to Michael.

He groaned. "He's a little dramatic." I whispered to Dr.Constantine.

He laughed. "Alright. Well sir, but seems to be the matter?" the doctor asked.

"Im sick." Michael groaned.

The doctor sighed and checked his temperature. "It seems to be the flu." He said after running a few more tests.

"Oh wow." I commented.

"Yes. I recommend no intercourse, or even PDA until hes better." The doctor told me. "Unless you want to catch it."

"Alrighty. Thank you very much Dr." I said, shaking his hand.

"Come on Mikey." I took him out into the parking lot.

"You drive.." He said

"Okay fine." I said. And I drove him home.

Michael Clifford fan fic :DTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon