Chapter Twelve

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We followed the van all the way to a government facility. We all exchanged a confused look and crept to the door.

People in white coats were everywhere. Writing on clipboards, poking vampires with needles and even laughing? We saw all of our friends in there and even some others hooked up to machines. We all decided that the only way to end this was to go in like savages and rip it apart.

Rustling came from behind us as we all froze. I turned around to see a group of vampires that weren't from around here.

"What are you doing here?"

"We are here to rescue our kin." Stated the leader. We talked up a plan and set to it.


We sent Vic to go make a distraction and soon That was in action. We all rushed in and started ripping throats out. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't having fun, but hey I'm a vampire. Alan started letting the vampires go that we're tied up, even Matty Mullins.

Just as we thought it was safe to leave, a groan rang out. I turned to see Jack fall lifelessly to the floor and Billie Joe Armstrong standing behind him with a stake.

"Noooo!" Alex screamed.

"That was fun y'know, you vamps come in and destroy my lab. Too bad Jacky had to pay the price." He said with a wicked laugh.

I looked around the room for Alex but couldn't see him anywhere. I saw movement from behind Billie and saw Alex holding a gascan. We made eye contact and had a silent conversation before he flipped on a lighter.

"Everyone out!" I called.

We all evacuated besides Billie and Alex.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE ALEX?!" Vic screamed.

"He wanted to avenge Jack and he wouldn't have been able to survive without Jack anyways."

We all pulled our mates in and made our way home.

And I thought I would be lonely forever.

Authors note

So that's the end. I'll probably do an epilogue though. I'm sorry for Jack and Alex's deaths but it needed to happen. Oh I'm also sorry to the Green Day fans for making Billie Joe the bad guy, I'm also a fellow idiot.


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