Chapter Three

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Everyone started cheering and patting me on the back while I sat there in a daze. Love? What the hell is this love shit? Alan is a human and I'm a vampire for hells sake!

"What's on your mind?" Tony asked while plopping down next to me.

"Alan's a human, I'm a vampire. How does that work?"

"Y'know I was a human before I met Mike."

"Really! What happened?"

"I didn't accept him at first. I was scared to death of him. Then one day I was in danger and he saved me. We got together and he changed me. We've been together for about 30 years now. I sound like an old person hehe." Tony explained.

"So what do I do." I asked.

"Patience young Jedi. Give him time to come around. You guys belong together, trust me it won't be long till you're sucking each other's faces off and going at it like rabbits." He chuckled.


I didn't even bother catching the bus home, I just ran the three miles. What the hell happened back there? He fell and I coulda killed him, but instead I asked if he was okay. Then he shocked, vampires can't shock people!

He was cute though. He had big brown eyes and brown hair that matched. He was really tall and had tons of tattoos. Those were extremely attractive. He was tall, dark and hands-


"Oh hey Aunt Lydia."

"Who's the boy on your mind?"


"I know you're gay and you have 'the look' on your face so spill."

"He fell and I couldn't hurt him. Then I barely touched him and I got shocked. Did I mention he's a vampire?"

"Oh Alan that's great!" Aunt Lydia exclaimed happily

"What's great?"

"You're in love! He may be a vampire but he's still a person."

"no, no, NO!" I yelled while my aunt walked out smiling and shaking her head.

Yeah, Austin's attractive and seems nice, but that doesn't change the fact that he's still a monster.

Authors Note

Yay! A little insight on Tony and Mikes story. And Alan is a bit harsh but Austin is a vampire...

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