Chapter One

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I walked into the living room of the shared mansion only to be met with the sight of all the mates making out everywhere. Must be mating season again.

I sighed and walked back out into the night with a frown on my face. How come I had to be lonely? Everyone said I would know when I find my soulmate. Is he going to be holding a sign with my name on it or something?

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice someone creeping up on me. I yelped when I was staked in the back with a medal stake that missed my heart by a long shot. Must be a newbie.

I turned around to attack my predator, only to see a flash of ginger hair turning the corner.

I wasn't in the mood to kill you anyways.


I finally reached my home after an extremely painful walk. Yes I'm a vampire and can still feel pain. I'm not completely dead y'know.

Vic was first to notice my distressed state since he jumped up knocking his beloved boyfriend Jaime down in the process. He helped me into our room we have set up as a hospital since these things happen all the time. It's terribly annoying.

"What happened?" Vic asked

"What do you think happened? I have a metal fucking stake in my back since I couldn't stand to be in the same house with lust filled vampires sucking each other's faces off!" I yelled. I'm usually nice but I'm starting to get fed up.

Soon the room was filled with all the inhabitance of our house. Vic, Jaime, Mike, Tony, Oli, Josh, Pete, Patrick, Phil, Tino, Alex, Jack, Ryan, Brendon, Mikey, Ray, Gerard and Frank. Yeah, we're a pretty big clan. Bigger the better right?

The stake was removed and I was bandaged up feeding off some spare blood we had in the fridge to help the healing process go faster.

"Hey, do you know what your attacker looked like?" Pete asked. Pete's the one in the group who had the connections so he knew almost anything from around town.

"All I saw was ginger hair."

"Oh, so you met Alan." Pete lazily replied.

"Alan?" How in the hell did he know this guys name is Alan?

"He's a new slayer. His parents were killed a few nights ago by Matty Mullins."

"I could tell he was new. Stabbed me with a metal stick for gods sake."

"You gonna finish him?"

"That's the plan. Newbies always fall into simple traps." I smirked

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