Once inside the hotel room, I couldn't help but let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Wow, they really outdid themselves with this love nest, huh?" I mocked, gesturing around the room with fake enthusiasm.

He shot me an irritated look, "Don't even start."

"Hey, don't worry," I retorted, "I'll make sure to maintain my six feet of personal space at all times. Wouldn't want you getting overwhelmed with my presence."

His scowl deepened, but I couldn't care less. I pulled out my phone, trying to escape the awkwardness with some mindless scrolling.

"We both can't sleep on the same bed. I don't allow that," Taehyung muttered as if I was begging to sleep with him.

"Don't worry, I don't even want to be anywhere near you. You sleep on the couch, and I sleep on the bed," I snapped back, still scrolling on my phone to avoid eye contact.

"Why would I? I can't have my back ache while sleeping on the couch. You sleep there!"

"Are you being for real now?" I couldn't believe his immaturity.

"My parents did this so their money is mine, and I have the bigger say in this," Taehyung answered, his behavior almost childlike.

Even an 8-year-old wouldn't be as immature as him. Exhausted from the bickering, I nodded in resignation.

As he walked away to the washroom, I opened my luggage to change into my pyjamas. I was looking throygh my luggage for a while and that's when I noticed Taehyung's bag slightly open, and a small zip lock bag was about to fall out. It looked like some medicine pouch. I reached to put it back in when Taehyung came striding towards me from the washroom, his expression frightening.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?" he said in a menacing voice, gripping my wrist with an unnaturally strong hold.

The pain shot through my arm, but I was more unnerved by his pitch-black eyes. It was like looking into the abyss, and I feared what lay beneath.

"Taehyung! Fuck, leave me. It hurts!" I pleaded, my heart racing.

His eyes suddenly returned to normal, and he released his grip, taking the small bag and dumping it back into his own. Without a word, he walked out of the hotel room.

I stood there, trembling, trying to comprehend what had just happened. I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something darker and more sinister hidden beneath the surface of this forced union.

 I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something darker and more sinister hidden beneath the surface of this forced union

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"Unconventional Union: Kim Taehyung and Lee Y/N's Startling Marriage Sends Shockwaves Across Business Circles!"

In a stunning turn of events, Kim Taehyung, the enigmatic CEO of KTH Ltd, and Lee Y/N, the daughter of the formidable figure behind Yuseob Industries, have tied the knot, sending shockwaves through the business community. The unexpected union of these influential business moguls has left many in awe and disbelief.

Speculation and rumors surround this high-profile marriage, with both positive and negative reactions pouring in from all corners of the internet. Netizens are divided, some calling it a grand display of wealth and power, a calculated move to strengthen their businesses, while others consider it nothing more than a fabricated facade, orchestrated to further their riches.

Critics argue that this union may be merely a strategic maneuver, driven by greed and ambitions of expanding their empires. Cynics have raised questions about the authenticity of the relationship, suggesting it's a mere publicity stunt, intended to generate more media attention and boost their market presence.

Despite the public uproar, both Taehyung and Y/N have remained tight-lipped about their marriage, leaving many to wonder about their true intentions. As the whispers continue to spread like wildfire, one thing is certain – the business landscape will never be the same again.

Here are some comments from the public:

1. @BusinessObserver95: "Talk about a power couple! I'm fascinated and terrified at the same time. This marriage will surely shake up the business world."

2. @SkepticalMind67: "I smell a rat here. This reeks of a well-orchestrated plot for more wealth and control. I won't be surprised if it's all just for show."

3. @HopefulRomantic22: "I refuse to believe it's fake! Love can blossom even in the most unlikely places. Maybe they genuinely fell for each other."

4. @MediaWatcher10: "It's all about optics and increasing their market dominance. A marriage like this will do wonders for their public image."

5. @TruthSeeker2023: "There's definitely more to this story than meets the eye. I'm curious to see how this unfolds in the long run."

As the debate rages on, the mystery behind this formidable union continues to captivate the public's imagination. Only time will reveal the truth behind Kim Taehyun and Lee Y/N's unprecedented marriage and its implications for the business world. Stay tuned for updates on this captivating saga!

 Stay tuned for updates on this captivating saga!

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Finally the plot starts after 10 chapters 🤚

A Marriage Bound By Secrets || Kim TaehyungOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant