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Eli's POV

I came to school late, which wasn't really a surprise. I walked into the cafeteria to see everyone staring at me, the usual. I than see a spot next to my two close teammates on the football team. "I already regret coming to school", I say taking a seat. I had just came from the gym where I had practiced boxing for three consecutive hours. "Sore?", Nate asks. "As fuck", I groan. "Have you seen the hot chick that just moved here?", Ryan asks. "No, I just got here", I say. He shows me a video he took. It was a video of a girl finally putting Casey in her place.

I laugh after the video ends. "It's about time", I say. The guys all nod and laugh. "It's also about time this school got a hot girl", Ryan says. "Honestly", Nate agrees. "You've got a girlfriend dude", I say hitting him on the rib slightly. "So does Ryan", he says. "I haven't asked her yet", he says. "But I'm going to soon", he smirks. "Her names Aubrey right?", I ask them. "Yea", they say in unison. I look up and see her laughing at something her friend said.

Aubrey's POV

Lunch had came to an end which meant that I had Art next. Ashley was on her way to Wood Shop. I made my way to room 305 and sat in the back near a big glass window. I stared out the window wishing to be at home, watching a movie with snacks surrounding me. After the class had settled in, a lady in her late fifties had walked into the classroom wearing a dress falling down to her ankles, and her hair in a messy bun. She made her way to the front, canvases surrounding her desk.

"Nice to see you all here, I am Mrs. Fitz and hope to see everyone's art improve throughout this year", she says smiling at everyone. "Now can everyo-", she begins speaking but gets interrupted by the door swinging open. In walks Eli, with a plain look on his face. "Why are you late?", she says crossing her arms. "I got lost", he says. Everyone in class was watching the conversation between him and Mrs. Fitz closely. "Take a seat", she says. Of all seats, he decided to take the one next to me. I pretend I don't notice as I continue to listen to Mrs. Fitz speak.

"As I was saying... Can everyone go around and share their name and an interesting fact about themselves, we will be doing a lot of partner work this year and I want you guys to get to know each other", she finishes. "We'll start with you", she says pointing to a kid in the front of class.

"I'm Andrew and I play the saxophone".

Five minutes had passed and Eli and I were the last ones left to talk. "I'm Eli, and I play football", he shrugs. All of the other girls in class instantly melt over his words and send him flirtatious winks. Everyone had gone and it was finally my turn. "My names Aubrey, and I play soccer", I say and sit down. "You should consider cheer, you'd look hot in a mini skirt", Eli laughs. The girls automatically send me death glares while the guys are all agreeing with light chuckles. "You should consider thinking before you speak", I say rolling my eyes. Right as he was about to retort, he gets interrupted by the teacher.

"It seems we found our first pair of partners, you two chatter boxes in the back", Mrs. Fitz says. "That's not fai-", I start saying but get immediately interrupted by Eli. "Seems fair to me", he smirks. The teacher starts calling the rest of the partners off while I sigh and put my head down listening to the girls in class gossip about me and Eli laughing at my reaction.

After she's done announcing everyone's partners she begins explaining our new project. "Okay class, with your partners, I'd like you all to create a picture using a mixture of the two of your personalities. This will help you and your partners get to know each other more", she says. I feel Eli's eyes on me but ignore him, he's probably just waiting to tease me even more. "When's this due?", I ask. "The end of the year, it's worth 20% of your final grades", she smiles, the whole class groaning. "Now start communicating with your partners", she says and takes a seat on her desk.

I turn and make eye contact with Eli. "Do you want to meet up at the library after school?", I ask. "Nah too crowded on the first week of school", he says. "My house or yours?", I ask. "Yours", he says and pulls out his phone. We exchange numbers and I give him my address. The bell rings and everyone makes their way out.

I head to the entrance of the school and begin walking home. "AUBREY!", I hear someone yell my name and turn around to see an out of breath Ashley. I laugh and wait for her to catch her breath. "Want a ride home?", she says after finally catching her breath. "Yes please", I say smiling at her offer. She leads me to her small yellow punch buggy.

We both get in, and I was instantly relaxed. "When'd you get this car?", I ask after she starts the engine. "When I was 16, so 2 years ago. I got it from my grandma, it used to be hers. I painted it yellow the day after I got it", she says. "Your so lucky, Ive had my license for a year now and still no car", I sigh. "I'll be happy to give you rides any time you need one", she says and I thank her.

We than start talking all the way until she makes her way to my driveway. I tell her about Eli's remarks and how he's coming over and her reactions were priceless. "Woah, your house looks huge", she says admiring it. "You should come over", I say. "Ugh I want to but I have softball conditioning in half an hour", she groans. "Oh shoot I totally forgot, good luck", I say giving her a sincere smile. "Good luck with Eli" she smiles back. I groan causing her to laugh. I thank her again and make walk into my house.

I set my backpack in the living room and lay down on the comfortable couch. My mom doesn't come back from work until 8 so I have the whole house to myself for several of hours everyday. I was doing some homework assigned and noticed Eli hadn't texted me when we was coming over. It was around 6 when I realized he'd probably forgot. We had quite some time so I felt no rush to hurry. I end up just binge watching Bobs Burger until I crash.

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