Chapter 16: Jaky Bear and Willy Whale

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Elena's POV:

"I just wanna run,

Hide it away.

Run because

They're chasing me down."

"I Just Wanna Run" ~ The Downtown Fiction

I watch as Brace leaves with the dark haired guy. It's Carter. No she can't leave, they'll hurt her, I know it.

"No-AH!" Pain burst through my shoulder and I begin to fall forward. Percy and Layson catch me.

"What's up with you, Elena? I never seen this happen to you in training." Brason says.

"Ni-Nico. I need Nico.." I say weakly.

"Mason, do you know were Nico was sorted, or anyone else?" Percy asked.

"Um, Nico, Annabeth and Kayla were sorted as Strategists, and Will, Austin and Victoria as Healers, the Ares kids are here too but I don't see how useful they could be."

"What about Jake?" I ask.

"Jake? The one with curly hair and he talks a lot?" Cakson asked.

"No the one riding the unicorn, and sings love ballads all day," I say weakly, yet sarcastically.

"I'm so glad that you are able to keep you sarcasm, even though you might might be dying," Kayson rolls his eyes.

"Anytime all the time, Baby!" I smile.

"Anyways, I think Jake is here. I'll go find him," Percy says. Now that Percy was gone most of my weight was rested on Larson.

"Why don't we sit over there by the wall," Larson suggests.

"Why? Am I too heavy for you, Muscle Head?"

"No, but you'd probably prefer to sit than to stand."

I laugh lightly and we walk over to the wall and sat down. Moments later Percy comes back with Jake.

"Jaky Bear!" I hold up my arms.

"She seams fine to me," Jake says, looking over at Percy. I stand up and take a step towards Jake hen fall into him. "Whoa, maybe you should sit back down."

"Great idea." I sit back down next to Larson while Jake and Percy kneel in front of us.

"Are you hurting anywhere?" I nod. "Where?"

"My shoulder," I bend forward and move my hair so he can look.

"Elena, where did you get this burn from?" Jake's voice is full of worry.

I feel tears prick my vision, "Um, they wanted to know about the prophecy and I wouldn't tell them anything. I tried to heal myself, that's why I have this scar now, but I passed out before I could heal it. When I woke up I tried to heal it again, but it didn't work. I kept trying and trying, but it wont work! Why won't it work?" I'm crying now and I don't care if Geae herself sees me.

"I'm not totally sure why it wont heal but an infection has already set in. If we don't get it cleaned out, and fixed, you'll, um, you'll-"

"I won't make it."

"Yeah," Jake says quietly.

"Then we need to get her to the healers, and fast," Gracson says.

"I could try to heal myself again," I suggest.

"No! You've tried too many times already, we need Will for this. Do you think you can stand?"

"Not a chance, Bucko."

The Extinction of HeroesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora