Chapter 10: I'm a Stupid Awkward Idiot!

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Heart, don't fail me now!

Courage, don't desert me!

Don't turnback

Now that we're here

People always say

Life is full of choices

No one ever mentions fear!

'Journey To The Past' by unknown

Elena's POV

I walk past the training room. At the sound of knives hitting a target I pop my in the door. Brace stands there, throwing, over and over. She doesn't look too good.

Before I have a chance to go inside, I notice Lawson coming up behind her. With a small smile I walk away from the door. I walk around till I find who I'm looking for.

"Hey, Hazel," I greet as I walk up.

"Hi, Elena. What can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if you could tell me where Nico is?"

"He's in our room, I think. Room 566 on the fifth floor."

"Thanks," I call as I jog to the door leading to the stairs. I heavy open the door and look up the stairwell.

"Five flights of stairs means a whole lot of effort," I frown to myself.

I'm out of breath as soon as I reach the big sign that has a big number 5 on it.

"How am I going to beat a bunch of monsters if I can't go up a bunch of stairs without getting winded?" I pant.

I heavy the door open and walk down the hall to the right room. I knock on the door and wait. Nothing. I knock again, this time louder.

I hear a crash and then foot steps. The door swings open and a messy haired, sleepy eyed, Nico stands before me.

"Did I wake you up?" I ask.

"Um, yeah, but it's fine. Did you need something?"

"Uh, I wanted to talk, but..."


"You're busy, I'll come back later," I begin to walk away. Why am I so awkward around him, I ask myself.

"No I'm not. We can talk if you want."

I nod and he gestures for me to come inside.

The room is pretty dark, the only light coming from a bit of the window. Nico turns on a few lamps and I see two beds. One neat, and clean, and another messy, and unmade.

"Sorry about the mess," Nico apologizes.

"It's fine, you saw how my room at my Mom's was," I laugh.

Nico sits on the messy bed and I sit across from him on the other bed.

"What did you, uh, want to talk about?"

"I wanted to apologize for..." My attention is stolen by a black war helmet. "What's that?" I point to it.

"A helmet," he replies plainly.

I roll my eyes, "Yeah, but why do you have it?"

"I wore it in the first war, it's bigger then it was then though. It's like the one my Father has."

I pick it up and spine it in my fingers, "Cool!"

"You wanted to apologize for something?"

"Oh, yeah!" I balance the helmet on the top of my head like a crown, " I wanted to say sorry about my Mom."


"Well, my Mim may sometimes seem neglectful sometimes, but sh-" I was interrupted when the helmet fell to wear I was wearing it. It was a little big so it covered my eyes.

"Opps," I laugh.

My eyes meet Nico's when he tilts the helmet back by the nose pice. He knelt before me, our faces close.

"There," he mutters.

"Thanks," I whisper with a smile. He gives a half smile an sits next to me. I take the helmet off and set it back where I found it.

"Anyway, sorry about my Mom."

"It's fine."

"Good, I was also wondering if you wanted to hang put tomorrow?"

"Uh, sure."

"Great," I smile.


A few days later Nico and I become closer an closer.

"So, what do ya want to do today, bestie?" I ask as I plop in front of him on his bed. I pick up the helmet and start to play with it.

"Bestie?" He gives me an odd look and I shrug. "We could train?"

"If I want to train I would Layson to hang out, but I'm not."

"It's Mason," he corrects.

"Whatever, I don't care."

Nico rolls his eyes, "Why do you keep playing with that thing?" He asks, referring to the helmet as I spin it in my fingers.

"I don't know, it's cool."

"Well, I think you're going to brake it."

"I am not! How do you even brake a magical helmet?"

"I don't know, how do you brake a sword?"

"It was an accident! That sword was already broken!" I defend myself.

"Sure, just let me put the helmet up," he reaches out for it, not moving from his spot a foot away from me.

I lean back a little on MU knees and hold in out of reach. "No."

He leans over me trying to reach. I laugh at his struggle.

He almost had it when he notices how close our faces are. We both stay still and just stare at each other. His eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips.

Heat rushes to my face as he begins to lean in, and his eyes start to close. He's going to kiss me, I think to myself.

His lips are almost on mine when the door swings open and Will walks in.

I push Nico away and cause him to fall off the bed.

"Elena, it's time for tra- what was going on?" Will asks.

"Nothing!" Nico and I yell. We look at each other and I jump off the bed and garb Wills hand.

"Bye, Nico!" I yell as I drag Will out of the room and down the hall.

"What just happened?" He asks as I pull him down the stairs.



"And Will just walked in when he was about to kiss you?" Brace asks.

I nod and she burst out laughing.

"Okay, okay it funny, calm down."

"I'm sorry! I can't!"

I roll my eyes at her, "Yeah, yeah, get it all out."

She finished and looked at me wide eyed.

"What?" I ask.

"You like Nico!"

"Shhhh!" I cover her mouth with my hand.

The Extinction of HeroesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora