Chapter 2: Running for my life and making new friends

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"You got to fight just

to make it through,

'Cause I will be

the death of you.. "

Breaking Benjamin~ "Breath"

Elena's POV

I walked down the empty school hallway, late as usual. I was in no rush to get to class. As I walked past the janitor he called to me, "Out of uniform and late for class, Elena?"

"As usual, Ale!" I called back. The school uniform was a white blouse, black skirt, black flats and a black tie. I never tucked in my shirt, I always wore black combat boots, and I never tie my tie. There was also my nose piercing and my colorful hair. I'm not the Headmaster's favorite student.

I was just about to open the door to my class and make my big entrance when the the intercom came on, "Elena Walker, please make your way down to my office. Thank you." The lovely voice of Headmaster Darks was calling for me once again.

"Of corse, your majesty. Anything, your majesty," I muttered as I came up to his office door. I walked in without knocking, he would expect nothing else.

"Hello, Oscar! How is your day going?" I asked the balding man.

"Well, it would be a lot better if you would attend your class."

"I'm a little late what's the problem?"

"Miss Walker, what time does school start and what time does it end?"

"Well, I believe that the first bell rings at 7:55 and the last bell at 3:35."

"You are correct. Now, what is the current time?"

I looked over at the clock on the wall, "Why, it's 1:33. There is a clock right there. Can't you read time? I know it's not easy, but you are a grown man after all."

He looked a little flustered, "Enough, tell me what you know."

This confused me, "I know plenty. For one, though there are billions of stars in the sky, there is only one in our solar system. Science is my last period."

He put his hands behind his back and turned to look the opposite way.

"That's not what I'm talking about," his voice seemed to have gotten deeper, darker.

I stepped back a little, "Then what do you mean?"

"Where are the others?"

"Others? Oscar, you're scaring me. I don't know what you're talking about!" My hand found the doorknob. Mr. Darks turned around and looked at me with one brown eye. I yanked to door open and ran. I heard a roar and crashing. I contended to run, not wanting to even look back.

As I passed the classrooms two students join me, one on each side of me. One a blonde girl, the other a black haired boy. Both of them held weapons.

"Hello! My names Percy, that's Annabeth! Nice to meet you, Elena right? You do understand what's happening right?"

"My Headmaster is a monster and he wants to kill me?"

"Wow, you're a fast learner! We can help you but you have to trust us. Okay?" the girl, Annabeth, asked.

"Okay! Just do something!"

"Alright!" They stopped running and I slide to a stop. I watched as the monster can hurdling towards us. The boy threw his sword and it impaled the creature's gut. The monster turned to dust. The boy, Percy, ran and picked up his sword then came back to us.

"We need to hurry, we don't have much time."

I didn't protest as they lead the way, I was in too much shock. We stopped when we got to an abandoned hotel.

"Why are we here?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"This is where you will be living for Hades knows how long!" Percy gestered to the old building. "Welcome home, Elena!"

"Oh yay," I say sarcastically.

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