Chapter 11: I Kiss Derek's Stepbrother

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Brace's POV:

"Gonna soften the blow

And give it up.

I saw the surprise,

The look in your eyes."

Kings of Leon ~ 'Wait For Me'

I sighed as I looked in the mirror, tracing the scar on my face. It consisted of three claw marks. The middle mark was longer than the other two, which were about the same length. The longest one reached from my right eyebrow to the bottom of my lip. The two shortest ones ran along side it, with about an inch space between them.

It was still pink and irritated since it had just healed. I had to keep a bandage over it for the first two days, but I got to take it off this morning.

I wish I could put it back on. I feel like instead of looking at me people will look at the scar. The only thing is that all the kids here are demigods so surely they'll understand.

All my siblings have left to go to breakfast, I told them is meet them there. I take one last look at the mirror before walking out the door and down to the dining hall.

I take the stairs, in no particular hurry to get there. I take this time to clear my head, so I don't say something embarrassing in there. I realize that as a child of the prophecy I'm someone they look up to to end the war. I can't be weak in front of people who are counting on me. What happened with Mason was a one time thing, it has to be.

Sooner than I'd like I reach the dining hall. I walk in, and people look up. A hush falls over. I'm met with stares. I knew this would happen. This is ridiculous. I'm a daughter if Ares, surely the great and powerful Ares has scars, so what if his kids do too? I lift my chin up and walk to my table, a plate if powdered donuts waiting for me. Soon enough everyone starts to talk again, and it's back to normal.

Although I know they're talking about me.

I eat my food and listen to what my brothers and Clarisse are saying. Apparently Dallas bet Cassius he could beat him in arm-wrestling. Everyone else is betting in who'll win.

"What do you think Bracie? Can I call you Bracie?" Dallas asks goofily.

"No, you can't call me Bracie, and five bucks says Cassius is going to win." I say matter-of-factly.

"I agree with Brace, ten bucks on Cassius," Clarisse says, then laughs.

"Alright, Dallas, you know the stakes," Cassius grins, then gets his arm ready.

They grip eachothers' hands and get ready.

"Three, two, one, GO!" Dean calls.

They battle it out, first Dallas is winning, then it's Cassius, back and forth. Finally, Cassius slams both of their hands to the ground.

"Yes!" Clarisse and I yell, high-fiving. I turn to Dallas.

"Pay up, bro."

He sighs and pulls five bucks out of his pocket. Clarisse looks at him and says, "I want mine when we get back to the room, and I'll hold you to it."

I accept my prize, and look over at the other tables. It occurs to me that my siblings may have done this to get my mind off of everything. If that's true, I'm surprised, and a little touched.

But mostly surprised.

Breakfast comes to an end, so I leave the dining hall to go to training. On my way out, Sydney, a daughter of Aphrodite, stops me.

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