Chapter 8: Everyone Passes Out

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"Give me love like her,

'Cause lately I've been waking up alone,

Paint splattered teardrops on my shirt,

Told you I'd let them go,"

"Give Me Love" ~ Ed Sheeren

Elena's POV

Nico and I walk up the steps to my house. It's big. A few years after I was born and my Mom got off drugs she went to college, and became really successful in life. I reach into the flower pot and pull out the spare key. Unlocking the door I step inside, Nico following. The fist thing I notice is the luggage by the door.

"MOM, I'M HOME! I'M NOT STAYING LONG, JUST NEED TO GRAB A FEW THINGS THEN I NEED TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT A THING!" I yell as I run up the stairwell. I look over at Nico who gives me a look like 'What the Hades'. I shrug it off.

"Alright, dear! I'm in my office!" she calls back.

I roll my eyes then walk down the hall to my room. It's the last door on the right and is the farthest from my Mom's that I could get. I walk into my room and notice that Nico didn't follow.

"Nico, you can come in," I call out the door. Moments later Nico apperars. He looks around curiously.

"And this folks, is how the wild Nico reacts to a new habitat, otherwise known as Elena's Room," I tease him. I giggle at myself.

Nico chuckles, "Haha, very funny." He continues to look around.

My room is pretty big, but it's also pretty messy. Not like clothes all over the floor, but like unmade bed and nothing really has a proper place other than on top of other things.

I grab a bag and stuff it with a few tees, jeans, a hoodie, my bennie. Just the esentails. I also grabed birthday money, just incase. Putting my bennie on and slinging my bag over my sholder I began to walk out of the room. Before I left though, I ran back to my vanity and grabed my oval locket. My mom had given it to me after she got out of college and I didn't want to ever see it again. Slipping it around my neck I walked out of the room for the last time. Nico closed the door behind us.

We walked down to my Mom's office to find her doing paperwork.

"Mom," I say, getting her attention. She turns and looks at us. Her light brown hair was done up in a bun and she wore a black skirt and white button up shirt.

"Elena, how are you, dear?" she asked, taking off her glasses. "Oh, who's this?" she asked pointing to Nico.

"Oh, that's Nico. He's a,uh, friend. Um, weren't you wondering where I was?"

"Um, I' going to go wait down stairs..." Nico says as he leaves.

"I just got back from a business trip, I was in Flordia for the past two weeks. When I got here and you weren't here I thought you where at your friend Alex's."

I give her a confused look, "Who's Alex? What friends? Mom I've been gone for two weeks. The only reason I came here was to get a few things and tell you that I might not be coming back, I might die, I might not write. Oh, and I know who Dad is, so bye!" I started to head to the door.

"Wait, what? What do you mean you're not coming back?" she follows me.

"What does it sound like, Mom? Call it running away if you will, but I'm done with this place!" I call behind me as I run down the stairs and to the door. I ignore my Mom's shouts as I grab Nico's hand and drag him out the door with me.

We start walking down the street and back to the hotel.

"Well, that went great don't you think?" I glance over at Nico.

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