Chapter 1: Vacation!? What is This Nonsense?

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Now admittedly, my home in Brooklyn, New York was not the biggest, greatest, or flashiest there was out there but it certainly was comfortable and quite homey. Two stories with one master bedroom and three other empty rooms upstairs—two of which had been converted into an office and an art studio respectively while the other one served as a guest room—and a lovely kitchen, dining, bath and living rooms, it would seem a little big, if a bit lonely, had I been living alone.

"Hello? Anybody home?" I called out to the silent house as I set my stuff down by the door, where a small table sat close at hand, laden with multiple pictures of my father and friends and one of my younger sister too.

"Prowl? Jazz? Where are my handsome men?" I carried on speaking, heading into the kitchen.

Knowing it was pointless to wait for a response, I continued on my way over to the fridge, sticking my head in and eyeing my options for dinner. "Let's see here..."

"Coo-ooh," came the sudden, trilling coo to my left, which was then followed by something soft and fluffy brushing against my legs.

Smiling, I closed the fridge door with a milk carton and stick of butter now in hand. "Hello to you too Jazz. And how is my handsome man today?"

There was another trilling coo from down near my feet as little paws walked across the toes of my Rockport dress shoes.

"Is that so?" I asked conversationally, setting the items on the counter near the stove before heading towards the pantry to grab a box of mac'n'cheese.

There was a third, more demanding warble this time when the pantry was opened, followed by little clawless paws scratching at the frame of the pantry and more increasingly demanding mrowls that almost sounded like actual human words.

Finally taking the time to look down, I was greeted with the sight of my adorable Siamese cat named Jazz. He was the youngest of my two furballs and also the smallest—as in midget sized—which made me think that he wasn't a purebred chocolate-point Siamese like I was first led to believe. Anyways, for a cat, he was quite happy-go-lucky with not a single mean bone in his body as I had never heard him growl or hiss once since I had gotten him. Well, either that or he had been dropped on his head a couple times as a kitten by his mom, which might be true.

"Well aren't you working it for dinner tonight," I teased the cat, reaching down to rub his head with one hand, and a can of turkey flavored Fancy Feast in the other. "Where's your brother Prowl? Did he send you to do his dirty work again? Is he making you work for his dinner too?"

The cat talked some more though it was clear he just wanted the canned food as he immediately shut up and began eating when I cracked open the can and divvied up the food between the two metal bowls I had out. Giving him one last pet, I went back to making myself some macaroni and cheese, smiling when, a couple minutes later, my other cat, Prowl, appeared and began to eat.

"Well hello to you too Prowl," I mocked the large, sleek seal-point Siamese, who hadn't even bothered to acknowledge me. "Honestly, how rude."

Pausing from his meal, the cat looked at me with his sapphire blue eyes, giving me a look before seeming to dismiss me with one flick of his glossy black tail as he went back to eating. Pfft. Cats and their attitudes right?

Shaking my head at them, I went back to making dinner for myself, thinking on what had happened today.

I should probably call dad about this, I realized thoughtfully as I stirred the noodles in with the cheese powder, milk and butter. I haven't talked to him for a while yet either.

All of a sudden, I froze, the iris' of my blue-green eyes unknowingly dilating as my grip tightened on the wooden spoon I was holding.

Blood, blood, fire, diamonds and more blood. Chaos.

The Musical Mind (Aro, Caius, Marcus x OC Fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu