Dance Teacher ep. 2

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Y/n's pov

I was standing in front of them like and idiot.

Jimin: "so y/n,"

I immediately looked at Jimin who was talking to me. I was screaming internally because I still can't believe I'm getting lessons from the dance kings.

Jimin: "um, have you danced in your life like, ever?"

Y/n: "yes, I was actually in a dance team in high school and I was the best one there."

Jungkook: "and why did you want to have dance lessons with us if you knew how to dance?"

I was getting more nervous now. It sounded like they were mad at me. I don't know why but it sounded like it.

Y/n: "I- I wanted to be better at dancing."

Jhope: "show us what you got then y/n."

Jhope smiled and I blushed a little. I looked away and I pulled out my phone and my speaker. I set my speaker on the floor and I put on my dance shoes. I walked to the front of the room. I stared at myself in the huge mirror that was here. I laid down on the ground waiting for the music to start.

Jhope's pov

The music started and I watched closely to her movements. The song sounded sexual, don't get distracted Jhope.. it was a few seconds in and I already knew what song this was, Gangsta. I can't believe she chose this song. Jungkook whispered to me and Jimin,

Jungkook: "she can dance, why did she need dance lessons?"

Jimin: "to become better. But she's good."

I nodded and kept watching her footsteps. She has good rhythm and track of time. I saw Jimin smiling from the corner of my eye and I smiled a little when she laid down on the ground finishing the song. We clapped for her and she turned back into her shy self. What happened to that sexy vibe into the song right there?

Jimin: "you dance really good y/n."

Jhope: "any questions?"

Y/n: "um.. h- how do I stay in time with the beat when I- I have a difficult technique into the steps?"

She must be nervous. Well I mean I can't blame her for being nervous. She is taking lessons from us, famous idols.

Jungkook: "hm, well are you swift on your feet?"

She nodded slowly.

Jungkook: "then you'll have no problem! As long as you move quick enough when the time is right for you to move onto the next step."

Jungkook gave his cute bunny smile and I walked to her and asked,

Jhope: "do you know how to dance any songs from us?"

Y/n: "yes."

Jimin: "what songs do you know?"

She paused for a moment to think.

Y/n: "a bunch actually. I learn dances in my free time."

I was surprised, we all were actually.

Jungkook: "how MANY dances do you know?"

Y/n: "hm.. mostly all of them."

I nodded my head as Jungkook and Jimin kept talking with y/n. Jungkook ah asked her if she could dance a couple of our songs and she did. She did them almost perfect. Jimin was amazed as usual. I, myself is kind of impressed by the way she dances. She puts plenty power and energy into her movements.

Jhope: "you have good style. You put plenty energy and power and confidence."

She smiled as if she was proud of herself.

Jhope: "try loosening up a little. You're a little too stiff but overall, you're really good."

She nodded slowly. I sighed and got up. I played a random song and said,

Jhope: "here, I'll give you a demonstration."

The music started to play and I showed her how I loosened up on my movements.

Y/n: "oh okay thank you."

I nodded my head and we gave her more tips along the way.

Jimin: "hey y/n?"

Y/n: "yes Jimin?"

Jimin: "do you want to hang out with us tomorrow?"

She looked shocked for a moment but smiled afterwards.

Y/n: "oh, sure. I have nothing to do tomorrow so, yeah."

Jimin ah smiled wide and whispered something to Jungkook. I couldn't hear what they said but Jimin kept looking at y/n while talking to Jungkook so they must be talking about her. Jungkook tapped me on the shoulder and said,

Jungkook: "hyung, isn't she pretty?"

Jhope: "hm... yeah I guess so."

Both of their eyes widened.

Jungkook: "you guess so?!"

Jimin: "she's stunning. I want to go out with her."

Jhope: "is that why you asked her if she wanted to hang out with us tomorrow? We have a photo shoot tomorrow Jimin ah."

Jimin shrugged and I sighed. We all just met her and now they're both falling for her already? These kids..

Y/n's pov

I packed all of my things and said goodbye to them. I can't believe Jimin asked me to hang out with them tomorrow! They're so handsome. I love them so much. My phone rang, I answered it.

Kimmie: "so?! How was it?"


Kimmie: "oh girl! They have a photo shoot tomorrow. But you can come as long as their manager doesn't mind!"

They have a photo shoot tomorrow?? Must be for one of their albums..

Y/n: "for which album?"

Kimmie: "love yourself: tear album of course."

Y/n: "oh right.."

She laughed and we said our goodbyes. I got to my hotel room and immediately grabbed my computer to publish my thoughts on what just happened today.

Y/n: "okay, first things first..."


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