Lams: Internet Best Friends

Start from the beginning

I breathed a sigh of relief. He thought I was just joking. But Omg, omg, omg, omg. It's happening. I typed his number into my phone and took a deep breath before pressing call. As it rang my anxiety tied knots in my stomach. It only rang once before someone picked up and whispered, "Hey?" His voice was a little higher than I was expecting and he had a southern accent. This just made him even more adorable.

"Hi," I said with a small smile. "This is so weird. I mean not like you're weird but like finally talking to you after only texting, it's just like weird. And now I'm rambling and I should just shut up."

He laughed, "You're cute."

He just called me cute. He called me cute! HE CALLED ME CUTE! "Your laughs cute," I said. Oh no, I just ruined it. I messed everything up. He's gonna hate me-

"Thanks," he giggled.

He laughs a lot. "You laugh a lot," I said. Why can't I just shut up?

"Thanks, Captain Obvious."

"So, now that you know I'm not a 60-year-old man, can you tell me your name?" I asked.

"You go first," he replied.

"Alright, I'm Alexander but most people call me Alex."

"Alex? Hm. It fits you," Turtleboi commented. "Do you have a last name?"

"Not until you tell me your first name," I said, seeing right through his attempt to avoid the question.

"Fine, I'm John," 'John' said.

"John?" I asked. Panic filled me. No, no, no, it can't be him. But that voice.

"Uh, I gotta go," I hung up immediately. What if it wasn't him? But no, it sounded just like him. My phone vibrated in my hand. I looked down at it to see a notification from Turtleboi/John.

Turtleboi: r u okay?

Turtleboi: srry was this too soon?

Turtleboi: plz answer im worried

    I let out a sigh of relief. He doesn't know who I am yet. But if I call him again he'll find out everything. He'll find out that we go to the same high school. He'll find out that I'm the geeky kid from that school. He'll find out that that geeky kid from school is gay. But he doesn't need to know any of that if I can keep it from him.

Me: Sorry, my phone died.

Turtleboi is calling... Accept or decline?

    I pressed accept and shakily held up the phone to my ear. "Sorry, I hadn't realized that my phone was at five percent," I explained with a nervous laugh.

    "It's fine. Where were we?" John asked.

    "Uh, I think you were going to tell me your last name," I said.

    "No, I think you were going to tell me your last name."

    "I went first with the first names. It's your turn," I defended.

    "Fineeeeee," he whined. "My full name is John Henry Laurens."

    It's him. Definitely 100% him. "Your turn," he said in a sing-songy voice.

    What do I do now? I'm just gonna tell him. "Hamilton," I mumbled into the phone.

    "What?" he asked.

    "Alexander Hamilton," I said louder. No backing out now. There was an awkward silence and I knew that he knew who I was. "Listen, um, when you said you were John I knew who you were and I get if you don't want to talk to me anymore and I promise that I won't tell anyone at school about this. I'm- I'm just- I'm sorry."

    There was the sound of him breathing before the beep, beep, beep sound of him hanging up. How had this day gone so wrong so fast? I went on the chat room just to see if he was there.

    Turtleboi is away

    If I'm being honest with myself then I have to admit that John Laurens is pretty hot. He's on the football team and honestly, he's ripped. Not that I noticed or anything. I collapsed onto my bed. Now, the jock at my school knows that I'm A) even nerdier than before because I spend my time in chat rooms and B) gay. Everything sucks.

    ~The next day~

    I logged onto the chat room like the desperate loser I am.

    Turtleboi is away

    I sighed. I didn't what I was expecting though. Somehow he magically always secretly loved me and we get married and adopt 15 children and a dog? Reality check, Hamilton. That stuff only happens in fanfictions written by obsessed teenagers. (The fourth wall is in critical condition)

    I reloaded the page, just in case.

    Turtleboi is away

    Okay, one more time.

    Turtleboi is online


Turtleboi: Can we talk?

    Woah, he's using proper grammar. This is serious.

Me: Sure.

Turtleboi: about yesterday... i feel rlly bad about hanging up on u. it just took me by surprise that u went to my school and could we meet up somewhere to talk?


Me: It's no problem really. I mean I hung up on you when I found out (my phone didn't actually die). Want to meet up at the playground across from our school at 10?

Turtleboi: c u there

Turtleboi is away

A/N: Part 2? If anyone can guess the game this is sorta based off I'll be ur bff!

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