Chapter 4: Your Smiles Are Giving Me All Types of Treble

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The following morning, Genji begrudgingly climbed out of his bed and made his way to the barrack's entrance. Although he was still annoyed for being assigned such a useless mission, he couldn't help but feel curious. Who could this newcomer be? They hadn't gotten a new member in ages, the last significant addition to the team having been Genji himself, so it was refreshing to finally get a new face in here. Genji just wished he hadn't been the one having to welcome them.

It was exactly 1200 hours when Genji reached the entrance, but it seemed the newcomer hadn't arrived yet; Reyes would no doubt have told them to wait here for Genji. This allowed for more time to ponder. The Rookie would no doubt have some sort of tragic backstory, like everyone in here (Blackwatch was like a family of rejects, after all), and Genji was already imagining all kind of things. Another cowboy reject? Or an experimentation freak? Or someone more like Genji himself, a warrior joining Blackwatch in a search for blood?

Footsteps snapped Genji out of his thoughts, and when he looked up to the entrance from his position against the opposite wall, it opened slowly and someone stepped inside. It looked around in wonder for a brief moment before turning its head towards Genji, the blue lights on its head flickering. Instantly, Genji's stomach sank. The newcomer was an omnic?

"You're the rookie?" Genji asked, although he was already certain of the answer. He pushed himself off the wall and looked the machine up and down. It looked.. odd. Genji had never seen an omnic that looked quite like him, with 9 lights on its head instead of the usual 3 or 4. It was an omnic, yet it still wore baggy pants and beaded jewelry like a human would. That fact alone disturbed Genji.

"I'm Zenyatta. It's nice to meet you," it spoke, it's voice annoyingly calm. From first sight, it seemed 'Zenyatta' was the exact opposite of Genji.

Genji glared at the newcomer, making sure it noticed Genji's hatred towards him. "I need to fucking babysit an omnic?"

Zenyatta tilted its head and actually laughed. It seems it wasn't offended. "It appears so."

Staring at it for a moment longer, Genji scoffed and started down the hall, mentioning shortly for Zenyatta to follow him. He didn't look behind him, but could hear the omnic's footsteps just behind him, so he knew it'd listened.

"Did Reyes assign you to a room?" Genji asked, not sure whether omnics actually needed personal quarters at all. Did they need rest? Or would they just need to plug into a power outlet?

Genji almost forgot to listen to an answer, and only just heard Zenyatta tell him a room number. Genji grimaced when he realized it was basically next to Genji's own quarters, but he decided to keep that information to himself, walking on in a slightly faster pace.

When they reached Zenyatta's new room, Genji casted his own quarters a longing look before turning around to face the omnic. "This is yours." Oh, how much nicer it would be if he could just lock himself in his room for another day. He didn't want to be stuck with this omnic.

Zenyatta apparently didn't want to have a look around, because it simply gave Genji a nod in acknowledgement and waited for him to continue the 'tour'. Genji was thankful for that, at least; the sooner this tour was over, the better.

The next location was the training room, in which Genji was certain the omnic would be spending a lot of time from now on. Genji's own Rookie days had been filled with practice and evaluations. Back then, every training session had felt like a test, and he'd hated it. He wondered if, now that he was a Novice again, he'd have to suffer through that again. Just thinking about it made him want to punch something.

Now that the omnic knew where it would have to spent most of its time, Genji found it fitting to show it Angela's lab next. Judging from the omnic's frail form, it would spend a lot of time there, too.

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