Chapter Ten

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A/N: Okay, so I changed something unofficially. In my previous chapters I stated Zerrie got married in June, and the tour started in July. I’ve changed it to they got married in May, and tour started in June. Also, it ends November 5th instead of October 5th. Sorry for the confusion.

Now we were in Italy. We’ve been to three different countries in four days.

How is that even possible? My head constantly was aching and I was struggling to feel satisfied with my pictures. The most I’ve seen Louis was on stage and while he was sleeping.

“Little Black Dress! Whooooooo!” Louis cheered into his mic as Harry began the song. I smiled, my eyes burning from lack of sleep. I felt bad for complaining when the boys did so much more than me. I yawned, missing a wonderful photo op. I made it up by taking a stupid amount of pictures of Harry and Louis reading  tweets and Harry making hilarious faces. I made sure to also snap pictures of the crowd.

To be honest this job wasn’t what I was expecting. I was even annoyed with having to upkeep a blog. I was getting paid a lot, yeah, but at this point money was kinda something you’d just expect, not something you’d need. It was a deadly place to be in, but it’s not like we would go bankrupt any time soon. I felt like a robot by the end of the show, and I watched my feet as they moved to the place I knew Honesty would be at. I hoped I would get over this soon, we still had months to go.

I ended up realizing I was being selfish and sucked it up as I held my daughter in my lap, the bus tires rubbing against the road lulling us both to sleep. The boys were in the very back coming up with some more ideas for the upcoming album.

“Zoe!” Somebody yelled in my face. Honesty whined and tried not to cry as she sunk to my stomach. I jumped awake, my eyes wide.

“What?!” I exclaimed forcefully. Niall laughed his once cute laugh, now I was annoyed, and munched on some crisps. I growled at him and soothed my daughter as her exhaust made her ill.

“Give me five minutes,” I begged, going to lay my five year old child down.

“Mummy…” She sighed, and curled into a ball. Her thumb went to her mouth as her eyes closed once again. I had no idea why we were feeling so bored and helpless. I felt lazy, I felt worthless. I hadn’t even been working for a week and I was already tired and complaining. Maybe it was because of the fact I had to care for Honesty, run a website, and try to catch random pictures of the boys. I felt like I hadn’t been taking enough photos, and I would have to turn them in tomorrow.

So I grabbed my camera and took pictures of Niall shoving his face full of food, and then went to take some of the boys chilling.

I love taking pictures, but I was getting bored. Maybe because I felt alone, or like I was being aggravating.

“Hey Niall?” I called, and walked back in the seating area. He was now drinking a soda.

“Yeah?” He raised his eyebrows.

“Am I annoying you?” I questioned. He laughed, and shook his head, his blonde hair going everywhere. I sighed in relief, and grabbed the wireless laptop to update my blog. It was just a draft so far, so I don’t know why i was so stressed about it’s upkeep. Maybe it was something else…

I opened up Twitter, only to close it down a few minutes later. I was getting hate pretty strong, about my weight and how I abuse my daughter. I chewed on my lip as I closed the laptop, unable to go on any social media website. I was hungry, but I needed to drop a few kilos. I was gaining weight. I wondered if Louis had noticed yet. I wouldn’t want to know if he had, it would just break my heart.


Now we were somewhere in the USA, and we had been going at this tour thing for three and a half months. During those three and a half months, I had a few five minute conversations with Louis, even though he was half asleep when we had them, he was still talking.

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