Chapter Four

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"Where is she?" Zayn asked with panic slightly coating his voice. I coughed awkwardly, and looked at the crowd, looking to the small building that we used to get ready in.

"I-I'll go look?" I offered, I saw Debbie nod at me, and I kicked my shoes off. I ran softly away from the connected arch and altar, and into the building.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry! God this is so embarassing! I broke my shoe." Perrie came from the toilet room, holding a broken shoe. Her face was red and she was near tears. I sighed in relief, glad she didn't leave.

"No, it's okay. We'll all take our shoes off." I smiled, calming her down. She bobbed her small head up and down, more nervous than I've ever seen. She bent to unstrap her other shoe, using my shoulder as support so she wouldn't fall onto the dirty floor. I watched her as she fixed her dress and hair, and then she turned to me, obviously ready.

"Okay, tell them to take their shoes off, and then I'll come out on the second line of the piano." She said, her face straight and her back upright. I nodded, and walked outside, closing the creaking door behind me.

"Ladies and Gentleman, if you would, please remove your shoes." I said in the most steady and professional voice I could manage. Everybody looked to each other, confused. The children obviously were quick to remove theirs, giggling and carelessly giving them to their parents. I watched as my own daughter ran to her father, and back to postion.

I glared at my fiance, who was watching everybody else. He caught my glare, and was quick to take his off. The other boys followed his lead, even Zayn. His face was red with frustration and confusion, maybe wondering why he had to deal with a runaway bride. I saw Liam yank down his pant leg, and for a moment my mind got distracted with memories of Liam's drug use. I closed my eyes momentarily, and felt a slight stinging in my spine.

I snapped my eyes open, and watched as people struggled to remove their shoes. I cracked a smile, and felt proud of myself for taking authority over someone besides my daughter.

"Thank you." I squeaked, and put myself back in my position. The piano player began a soft melody again, at the que of Debbie. Perrie came from the room, her train catching sand as she looked like she was gliding across the beach. She mouthed to her soon to be husband an apology, and he rolled his eyes with a smile. I couldn't help but smile myself, and looked to my pedicured feet.

Perrie stood in front of Zayn, the Christian preacher starting to speak. Zayn hadn't agreed to it at first, because of his personal religion, but wanted Perrie to be happy. Zayn's father of course didn't like it, even sitting in the crowd I'm sure he hated his son starting to turn his back on their religion. I glanced to the crowd as they began the traditional vows, then back to Perrie, holding the flowers to my chest. I listened to the end of Zayn's custom vows,

"So of course I would want to marry this woman, she is the best thing that has happened to me. I can't imagine my life without her now, even though she only washes her hair twice a week," pause for a chuckle. "But, through the ups and downs, the beautiful and the ugly, no matter what she does, or has done, I will always love her. If something happens to her, I would die." His voice cracked with his end sentance, sending all the hopeless romantics to tears. I even caught Louis wiping a tear, which made me smile.

At the end of the ceremony, we were led into a larger building made for dining and dancing, so we could finish the party. One of my hands held my families shoes, the other hand held Louis'. I smiled at him, and he was looking at the waves crashing on the shore. His suit jacket was off and over his shoulder, his white, thin button up still tucked into his pants. He caught me staring at him, and smiled, pressing his lips quickly to mine. 

We entered the air conditioned building, the smell of chicken and seafood filling my nostrils. I looked around for Zayn and Perrie, spotting them by the cake that was not ready to be cut into. I tore from Louis, and walked to them.

"Hey guys." I smiled at the newly weds. Perrie grinned up at me, her face bright and glowing, Zayn smiled at her, intertwining their fingers, their rings shining and beautiful. I gasped, and held a finger up, signaling them to stay where they were. I dug in my small purse, only cash and my camera in there. I pulled it out, and told them to stay still.

They even stopped breathing as I snapped a picture of only their hands, and giggled at the screen, thinking the picture was ridiculously cute.

"I'm getting this framed." I giggled again, and put the large camera back up.

"You'll make an excellent photographer for us." Zayn complimented. I smiled, and thanked him.

"I'm excited, but nervous. I wanted Honesty to have a social life besides her dad's coworkers." I sighed, looking at the little girl, playing and eating with her newly made friends.

"She'll be fine." Louis suddenly came behind me. I jumped, my hand flying to my heart.

"God you're weird." I scoffed, and rolled my eyes teasingly at Perrie. She chuckled, and made her way over to the food table, filled with various foods. We all made plates, me piling food upon food. Louis chuckled, watching me fill my plate.

"I haven't eaten anything all day." I hissed. He held one hand up in defense, his other hand holding his plate. I tugged one side of my mouth into a half smile as we joined our friends and family.

"A buffet wedding, pretty awesome." Niall said, his eyes bright. We weren't allowed to eat yet, until all four of the best men made a speech. Harry stood up, and tapped on his empty glass. It all went silent, and we looked at the tall boy.

"We're gathered here today for the celebration of Zayn and Perrie's everlasting bond, they're married now. My little Zayn is married. Oh god. Why, Perrie? Why did you take him from me? Why?" He sat down, and sobbed in his hands. I looked at him in shock, also trying not to laugh. Louis chuckled, and rubbed his back slightly. Niall stood up, and continued with his speech, we went around the table like this, and Louis was last. His speech was light hearted and funny, and we all chuckled at least once. Harry had sobbered up, picking at his plate.

"Thanks guys." Zayn and Perrie laughed at the same time. I smiled at the table, waiting for random people to make their speaches. We were finally able to eat, besides the kids, they had already gotten seconds.

The wedding was beautiful, and very successful. I had gotten ideas for my own wedding, excited to start planning now. I sighed as I went to the bathroom, starting to stress over everything in the upcoming months. I needed to seclude myself for a minute, and looked into the mirror. The bathroom was empty, I was alone with my reflection. I wondered for a minute if I was ready to tackle everything, if this is how I wanted to spend my next few months. I knew it wouldn't be easy, far from it. It made my stomach hurt from the stress. I didn't prepare myself like I should have been, and now I had no choice but to live with it.

I didn't know the first thing about being a concert photographer, I didn't know the first thing about homeschooling, I didn't know the first thing about living on a bus for months. I would be alone most of the time, Louis and the boys recording, signing, practicing, whatever. I would be alone basically, with only my daughter. It was selfish of me to want to keep Louis for myself, but it was the truth. I sighed as I pulled myself together again, stamping my face with a smile. 

Everything would end up fine of course, like always. 

But, like always, something has to get in the way first.

(Short, but an update? c: Maybe the next one will be longer, hopefully 2500 words :D Please vote, comment, and follow me!)

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