Chapter Nineteen

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Samara's POV

When you have a best friend, seeing them upset makes you upset. When your best friend is upset, watching them thrash their once clean room or crying that much, she could create an eighth ocean, you set your mind to helping them. You put your own personal life aside, just to help your best friend become her cheerful self.

But, why is it when they are heart broken, those goals seem impossible to complete?

When your best friend is going through heartbreak, you feel powerless. You might be able to help her physically, like dress her up nicer to show herself off. But, you can't do anything to help that emotional or mental, inside. The side you can't see.

To help my best friend, Veronica, I have decided to go to the supermarket to buy some sugary goods. This includes ice-cream, chocolate, Smith chips, sour candy and everything else in between. Yes, there was a chance that we could become a little overweight from this food, but this situation should be an exception.

When entering the house, my hands full with grocery bags, I could feel the thick tension radiating through the air and the house was eerily quiet. I got a little curious on what is currently happening.

"Veronica? Axel? Anyone home?" I yell out, seeing if I could get a response. Except, the response I got was silence. No one replied back to me nor did they come down the stairs and come to the kitchen, where I was currently situated. This just makes me a little more concerned.

I empty the three grocery bags I have, putting the contents in their rightful places around the kitchen. The now empty bags, I fold them up and put them in the attached storage cupboard.

From there, I patted up the stairs and to my bedroom. I collapse onto my bed and when I do, I hear crumpling of paper come from under me. With confusion, I roll to my side until I see an envelope, my name printed neatly onto it. I don't waste time in opening it.


We always want the good things in life to last, we want them to come into our lives, and stay there permanently. Some people are lucky, they find something that makes them feel special, feel happy, and it lasts a lifetime. But, then there are those other people. They find that one thing that makes them forget the negativity they have going on, that makes them smile a real smile and laugh a real laugh. But, within a blink of an eye, that happiness is gone.

When I came to live with your family, I saw it as an opportunity to move on from my past and to finally become a normal teenager. I didn't expect to find such great friends, a great environment and house, nor did I expect falling in love with a beautiful young man.

What else I didn't expect? A bitch to come and ruin that little happiness I had. Yes, you know the story because I told you, but I don't know how to act when Axel is around, anymore. Aubrey used whatever power she has against Axel and manipulated him into believing I cheated on him, something I would never do under any circumstances.

Thinking about it now, as I read back at what I wrote, it sounds like a letter people would write if they are planning to commit suicide. For reassurance, I am not intending for this letter to sound like that. I am not planning to leave this world. I still have a whole life ahead of me.

But, my time in California has come to an end. I feel it will be better for your family and friends, specifically Axel, if I just get out of your way. You need to live happily, and me causing problems between you and your twin brother is not included.

It's time to say goodbye to Cecilia, Naomi, Blade, Mitch and Nolan. Thank them for constantly making me laugh and feel included in group activities. It's time to say goodbye to Marie and Jordan. Thank them for welcoming a teenage stranger into their home and everyday life for me. It's time to say goodbye to little Stella and Atticus. Tell them to not grow up, they are too cute for their own good. It's time to say goodbye to you. You brought the hidden teenage girl out of me, taking me out to coffee and go shopping, as well as everything else in between. Be sure to stay together with Mitch, you deserve him.

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