Chapter Seven

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Axel's POV

I gradually jog down to Sammy's bedroom, knocking on Sammy's wooden door. As I wait for her to respond, I picture her face when she finds out that I know about her secret crush on my best friend. Even better, her face when she hears that her crush likes her twice as much.

I'm rolling on the balls of my feet at my excitement. I could potentially be a match maker. I feel like a counsellor, going from one to the other. My excitement doubles over when Sammy's muffled footsteps along the carpet gets closer and closer to the door.

She opens the door and she furrows her eyebrows at me. "Axel? Do you need anything? And why do you look that you are about to burst with happiness?" Sammy asks, full of confusion. I smirk and gracefully walk into her bedroom. I place my sexy ass on her chair and she sits cross legged on her bed.

"What do you want, Axel?" Sammy asks, sounding a little nervous and avoiding my eye-contact. I know she knows what I am in hear to talk about so without beating around the bush, I get straight to the point.

"You like Mitch." I state and smirk once again when her cheeks once again turns pink. Her eyes go from normal to saucers in a matter of seconds. Her mouth opens and closes like a fish, her words that she is wanting to say stuck in the back of her throat.

"Um, no I don't." she tries to hide the fact that she had just lied to me but fails miserably when her blush is on full show.

"Sammy, we tell each other everything about ourselves. I know you inside and out and I know when you are lying. Let's also say that your blush gives it away." I say, pointing to her cheeks. She rolls her eyes and falls back onto her bed, making the bed rattle a little. "Now, admit it." I demand. Its silent for a minute or two before she takes a deep breath and lets out a groan.

"Fine. You want to know the truth? Then yes, I like Mitchell Ransom. A lot. He doesn't like me back so I didn't see a point of telling you." She finishes with a huff. Sammy sits up again and glares at me.

I tried so hard to not let a laugh escape my mouth but I just couldn't help it. I start hysterically laughing as she continues to give me the glare.

I don't know how long I was laughing for but I stopped suddenly when I felt ice cold water being splattered all over me. Sammy is no longer sitting on her bed. She is now standing right in front of me, holding a now empty water bottle in her hand with the glare still evident on her face.

"Sorry, but you are such an idiot to not realise." I chuckle to myself. The glare falls from her face and she suddenly has a look of confusion. Her hands on her hips and her perfectly shaped eyebrow scrunched upwards.

"What?" she says with a little squeak at the end of the word. Her cheeks go red when she realised as well. "Oh my God, Sammy! Mitch likes you. And I know for sure that he is head over heels for you because he said it himself today. Mitchell Ransom, my best friend, likes you Samara Hudson, my twin sister." I confessed to her.

Sammy's eyes went wide with surprise laced with happiness and the blush is visible on her cheeks again. "Mitch likes me." She mutters under her breath like she is just realising what it actually means. She squeals loudly, that loud that I'm sure Veronica heard it from her bedroom. It doesn't stop there though, she stands on her bed and starts jumping up and down.

She then stops abruptly, the happiness she has inside her dies down a little, looking at me in a serious manner. "Wait, you're not mad?" she asks, pointing a finger at me. I chuckle.

"Sammy, I have known Mitch since first grade. I know what he is like. I know he is perfect for you and I would rather if he had my sister's heart over any other guy in this weird world." I say with a shrug. She nods, taking in the information.

Maybe, There is a Happy Endingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن