Chapter Eleven

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Veronica's POV

Coming from a life where I had no friends is a weird feeling.

Thinking back to my life, my only friend I ever had was Alilah. I didn't feel the need of having anyone else because everything I wanted in a best friend was in my family. We woke up together every morning and then every night we went to sleep holding each other's hands. So, I didn't feel the need to have another person.

Ten years ago, I wouldn't dare to think I would be having a new life in California, without my number one best friend here or around anywhere. Right now, whilst I'm roaming the Californian streets with a new friend beside me, I wonder if this truly my new life or if I am just going to wake up back into my bed in New York.

"And then he leaned in and kissed me! I felt like the whole world had stopped spinning, everything around us seemed to fade from my mind as I kissed him back, our tongues having a battle of their own. His lips were so amazing. And then the after taste, ohh damn." Sam rambles as I just walk next to her, cringing at her description of a kiss. I would've been happy if she just stated that they kissed, not including the details.

I love Samara and I am happy that herself and Mitch are happily together, but I know for a fact that she is just going to repeat all this when we get to Naomi's house. She's that much into the conversation that she doesn't realise I am not listening.

I need an escape. I need to think of a way to zone the girl out. I get my phone out and decide to message her twin brother.

Veronica: Please help me.

It didn't even take him long to respond to my message, perhaps after a couple of seconds.

Axel: Sammy is going on and on about her first kiss with Mitch isn't she?

Veronica: You got that right, I don't want to know all this.

Axel: Why? Because you haven't yet experienced it for yourself? Hahaha. I'm only joking. Mitch won't shut his mouth about it either. I'm hearing every little detail.

I can't help the blush to appear in my cheeks when I read his message. We are friends now but he doesn't know anything about my sexual life. For all he knew, I could've already experienced that already.

Veronica: How'd you know that I haven't yet had my first kiss? I might have already. Quoted from Sam: "I felt like the whole world had stopped spinning".

Axel: Is that so, girly? Quoted from Mitch: "Her lips tasted like Strawberries. So sweet but every now and then a hint of sourness." Does he think I like to hear this type of stuff about my own damn sister?!

Veronica: It is so. I know! I better go before Sam jumps down my throat for not listening. Talk later :).

Axel: Okay, alright. Catch ya later. xx

Two kisses? He sent me two kisses and my face is all heated. What does those kisses mean? To be honest, I think it is just a friendly gesture. He always sends kisses to Sam so I guess it's a way of him treating me like a sister.

With a small smile at his message, I lock my phone and place it back into my jeans pocket. Sam beside me was still rambling on about Mitch so I decide to listen, although I know I will regret it later when she has repeated.

"We will be going on another date this Saturday and I can't wait!" She squeals with excitement. I smile at her actions before we turn into a driveway which leads to a house.


I huff out from boredom. As I have said earlier, Sam is currently narrating her first date and kiss with Mitch to Naomi and Cecilia. The two girls listening are taking each word Sam is saying into their minds. Every now and then, one of them squeals with excitement and in result, Sam smiles widely in happiness.

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