Chapter Fifteen

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Veronica's POV

I have to say; Mitch's house is pretty cute. Similar to the Hudson's, it's a two storey, modern house guarded with black gates to keep the premise more protected. I'm not entirely sure what the house is made of, but it looks like concrete. Whatever the house is made of though, I am in love with the style of the front garden and the house itself.

As I open the gate to enter, I follow along the concrete path which is connected to concrete, stone driveway. I get to the dark wooden door and knock three times really gently but hard enough so whoever is inside can hear it. I had only waited a minute or two before the door opened.

"Hello, how may I help you?" the woman asks. From my first glance, I knew it was Mitch's mum. She looked to be in her early forties with strawberry blonde hair and bright blue eyes, similar to Mitch.

"Hi, Mrs Ransom. I was wondering if Mitch was home?" I ask with a polite smile. I really want to make a good impression on this woman. I want her to let me in so I can talk to the boy. "Yes, he is. May I ask who you are?" she asks me.

The question made me pause for a minute. I didn't know if we were friends because we don't hang out or talk. I only know of him through the Hudson twins. The only time I was with him, ever, was the day at the café. I would like to say we were aquaintances, but I'm not sure.

"Oh, sorry. I am Veronica Carter. I recently moved here from New York and I am good friends with Samara and Axel." I say instead, being sure to sound friendly. Her eyes lit up in recognition the moment I said I was from New York. I guess Mitchell talked about me, or she heard from Samara.

"Oh! The beautiful twins. Come in, Mitch isn't in the best state at the moment and I have no clue why. He isn't talking or even eating. He came home in a bad mood and has stuck himself in his bedroom. I hope you can help him." She tells me almost pleadingly. Her face shows pain and sadness, as if she is feeling Mitch's pain and not even knowing why, and sadness because her son isn't opening up.

Seeing this reaction makes me miss my mother, just a little. Before the car accident, when we lost my sister permanently, my mother was a caring woman. She was like any other mother to their child. Smile with them, help them grow, gives you advice daily, laugh with you, cry with you, and everything else in between.

As I walk through the house, anyone can easily tell that this place holds an endless amount of happy memories, hence the number of pictures hanging on the walls. I get this homely vibe when in this house and I love it.

"Oh, how rude am I? I'm Amelia." She introduces herself as we make our way upstairs to what I'm guessing leads to Mitch's room. I only let out a small chuckle in response, finding no reason to reply back to her.

We walk down the natural lightened hallway, going right to the end to the last door. Just like the bedroom doors back at home, the door has a navy blue, wooden letter 'M' hung on it. I am guessing the twins, Stella and Atticus, made this for Mitch, as well.

Without a second wasted, her knuckles make contact with the door three times, letting Mitch know that someone is at the door. Amelia looks over at me and gives me a sad, but hopeful smile. She then left, leaving me on my own.

"Mum, leave me alone. I don't want to talk." I heard Mitch shout from the other side of the door. Due to the tone of his voice, it makes me flinch, but I have gotten this far and I won't be turning back now. I need to do this for Samara and for Amelia.

I open the door a little, peaking my head through and my eyes scan the sight of his bedroom. I can't help but let my eyes widen at the sight of broken glass, the fabric of his curtains, and the amount of papers he has scattered all over the ground. Amongst all the mess, Mitch is laid there on his bed on his side, facing his bedroom window.

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