Chapter Twelve - Part Two

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Axel's POV

I know elderly people look at our generation teenagers in one out of two ways. It is either with love, where when they walk past us in public, they won't hesitate to smile and even have a small conversation. Or, it is with hate. This is when older people give you that look of what seems to be disgust, as if you are doing something wrong with your life.

All my life, with an unknown reason, I have always wanted the elderly to look at me with pride and not think of me as a teenage scum. I might not know these people, but their impression on me, means something on me.

I had lied to that elderly couple. But if they really found out what I am really like, then I will get that look of hate. At that moment, I didn't care on what Veronica would think of my made-up story. I was selfish for a minute but I am glad Veronica didn't budge and tell them the truth, that we are only friends.

I must admit though, I want more. I don't want Veronica to look at me as a friend, but as a boyfriend, a partner in crime and a soul mate. I want to be that person who she tells all her exciting news to first, and the bad as well. I want her to cry on my shoulder when she needs and hopefully she can lend her shoulder back. But before any of that can happen, I need to face the girl in front of me.

Aubrey Wilson.

Mitch had given me the encouragement I needed to break up with this excuse of a girlfriend. What I had felt for her and what I feel about Veronica are completely different. Veronica has made me realise that I just liked the idea of Aubrey because of the popularity it would bring towards us, even more than what we had.

The kiss Aubrey had just given me, didn't feel right and I sure don't want another one from her. I didn't kiss back of course, I didn't want to and I certainly didn't want to in front of Veronica.

Telling Veronica wasn't fair to her, but I didn't want her to leave me and this hideous girl alone in a public place. I needed Veronica as support and comfort if I needed it.

"Axel, you are meant to spend time with me, your girlfriend. Not with some homeless whore that came from New York. You have changed since she has showed up." Her voice is laced with anger. Towards me, and towards the girl next to me, nestled into my side where I think she belongs.

"I don't know what type of drug you have given to him, because I know the real Axel wouldn't hang out with someone like you. I want you to stay away from Axel, druggo. I don't need my boyfriend on drugs." Her voice is filled with hate and venom as she speaks to Veronica. She was talking about me as if I wasn't standing right there.

What she said would have hurt the girl and I was so ready to speak up and give this girl a piece of her mind.

No one, ever, speaks to my Veronica, well, soon to be my Veronica, like that. Before I could do any of that though, Veronica managed to pull out of my tight hold and stepped forward so she was inches away from Aubrey, her face flared with anger.

"Listen here, Aubrey. You don't know anything about me and the life I lived in New York. One thing you should know is, is that I have never dealt with drugs nor do I want to, either. The druggo scene at the Café that Axel made is a misunderstanding. I will tell you something, though, something that should have been out in the open ever since Samara told me. I know you are cheating on Axel, the boy you are claiming as your boyfriend. You are cheating on him behind his back. If you are taking Axel's love for granted, then you don't deserve it. If you can hang out with whoever you want, then it is only fair that Axel can do the same." Veronica growls, leaving me dumbfounded.

Angry Veronica is not someone I want to face myself and I feel sorry for Aubrey for being on the other side of that angry rant. Just a little bit, not much, but just a little. I can't help but think though that Angry Veronica is so hot. My feeling for her has increased slightly, not that I am complaining though.

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