Chapter 7: Childhood Friend ♡️

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-Last chapter (if you forgot):
We all chatted a lot and drinked coffee too! and then someone tapped my back and said, "We met again Moon! I missed you!" ??? Said. I looked back and i was shocked. Everyone too.

This chapter:
It was Jackson from GOT7. He was my childhood friend. And then he decided to debut and became a Kpop Idol with his other friends. They're group is pretty good. Well, I'm happy that i met him again. "Hey Moon! Long time no see!" Jackson said. "Hey boi! Miss you!" I said. And then we hugged.

Everyone was shocked because they didn't know my childhood friend is an Idol. "Hey guys... you all can close your mouths.." i whispered to them and giggled. "Who are those?" He asked. "Well, they are my friends!" Then introduce all of them to Jackson. "Jackson?" I said. "Yes?" He answered. "Where are all the rest of the members of your group?" I asked. "They will be here any minute." He answered.

And then i saw some guys at the front of the cafe going in with some disguise i think. And then they came to our table. "Here are all of my members!" He said. "Hey, my name is Bam bam." One of the members said. "My name is Mark." "JB." "Youngjae." "Jinyoung." "Yugyeom."

~after introducing to each other~

"We better get going, it's getting late." I said. "Yes... She's right, we better get going now." Dahyun said. "Well, goodbye everyone! Nice meeting you guys!" I said. "Ok bye!" GOT7 said. And then Dahyun drove me home safe and sound.

--at home--

I went in and i remembered what happened this morning. A fight with my brothers. That's what happened. (In case you forgot). I quickly ran to my bedroom and i didn't saw my brothers. It's weird because it's always noisy when i came in the house. "Weird..." i whispered to my self. And then suddenly all the lights went off. I was completely shocked for moment. And suddenly my brothers came in and...

Sang happy birthday to me.

"Happy birthday sis!" They all said. I didn't even remember my birthday because, i was very stressed today. "Y-you guys r-remembered m-my b-birthday?" I asked and suddenly a tear fell down to my cheeks. "Of course we remember! Why wouldn't we? You the best little sister ever. And we are so sorry. We hope you'll forgive us..." Hoseok said. And then we all hugged. I cried happiness for the first time. After that someone pushed the bell door (i forgot what's the name of it XD) right infront of my house and then i came downstairs and opened the door. It was...

My friends all of them. Even GOT7 too.

They hugged me and say 'happy birthday' to me. "How did GOT7 know my birthday? We just literally met a while ago." I asked. "We knew your birthday from Jackson." Mark said. "Oh, right." I said. "And when did you girls came here?" I asked the girls. "Well...."

~a few moments after Moon came home~

"Psst.... guys!" i whispered-shout to the girls and GOT7. "Yes..?" They answered back by whispering. "It's time to take the birthday cake and presents!" I whispered-shouted to them to give the a signal. "Umm... Dahyun? You okay? Is there anything wrong?" Moon asked. (Before she went out of the car, Dahyun is calling the girls and GOT7). "No, everything's alright." I said. "Okay then, bye!" She said waving. "B-bye!" I said. And then she went to her house. I went back to Starbucks again to meet everyone there. And that is how i did my plan for Moon's surprise Birthday.

~present time~


"Well, thank you very much guys! I'm really happy." I smiled. "I have something for all of you! Also your brothers too Moon!" Sana said. (Moon's brothers are still upstairs.) "BRO!!!!" I yelled to my brothers to go downstairs. And then they came. "Oh hi everyone! And GOT7 too!" Namjoon said. And then GOT7 and my brothers hugged. "Wait... wait... you guys know each other?" I asked confusedly. "Yep. Actually sis... we, went to the MAMA and.."

~a few moments later...~

"Ok, i get it now." I said. "Ok guys! Let's just enjoy Moon's Birthday party!" Jackson said. "Okay!!!" We all said.

My 7 Brothers || BTS FF  [ ✓️] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora