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Important! Read A/N at the end!

Kirito POV

The next morning i awoke to my precious beauty soundly sleeping on my chest. her chestnut brown hair laid sprawled out behind her and her breathes were slow and steady.

I slowly and carefully removed Asunas head off my chest. She stirred but didn't wake up otherwise.
I stood up and that's when I realized that I was still in my clothes from yesterday. I decided to just go with it and walked out of our bedroom.

I walked downstairs and was shocked at the scene in-front of me.

The queen of aincrad along with 4 guards was standing at the front desk. The blacksmith was talking to them. But once they realized my presence the queen turned to me.

" Guards! Seize Him!!!" She ordered  and before I could do anything two guards grabbed me tightly by the forearms, no allowing me to move an inch.

" Where is my daughter you Mangy mutt!" She yelled right in my face.

" She doesn't belong to you anymore!" I yelled back.
"We are engaged meaning I have every right to her now and you don't. Now let me go!" I ordered

" No! I will not allow it! My daughter is coming home and she will be married to a person of high ranking, unlike you." She spat.

" Guards! Go find my daughter and put this Mongrel in the Dungeon!"

The guards forced me away from the blacksmith shop, in effort to get away was futile as they had held onto me tightly, dragging me father and farther away from my girl.

Asuna POV
I awoke to the sound of yelling downstairs. I heard heavy sets of armor clinging as footsteps were heard on the hard wood floor. I gasped when the door was kicked open and I was in the presence of my mother

"ASUNA IRENE YUUKi!!!!! You are in so much trouble young lady! Ran away with a man not worthy of you! And even worse you are engaged to him! You are coming home this instant!" My mother yelled.

I started at her with complete and utter hatred in my eyes but before I could even attempt to escape the guards held me down roughly as my mother came to my side and injected me with, what I assume was a tranquilizer. I slowly fell under Consciousness and before I knew it. Everything went black.


My eyes fluttered open and even as my head was very lightheaded I sat up in bed. I was back in my old room.
Tears ran down my cheeks as I thought about kirito.
I knew my mother must have sent him to the dungeon and I hoped to god that he was okay. 

Queasiness washes over my body and I ran into my bathroom and threw up. I felt my head only to find I had no fever. My mind flew back to the night me and Kirito had sex. And that's when I knew

I was pregnant.
Okay so this chapter was very short I know but this chapter will be rewritten soon. I wanted to get a chapter out for you guys so sorry it's so short :(

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