The End

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I apologise to those who expected a happy end for Rebecca and the others but it isn't. Theo never got to answer her question. Soon another attack was launched at the house all of those who came to help died. The children of the gods were the last ones standing- Rebecca desperately then grew a wall between them and the enemy . She created 4 Shadow Replications and turned into her wolf, it still was not enough. There were thousands of shadow men. She succeeded in buying the others time but only a short amount. But with her dying will.

She struggled back to the other side of the wall however she then collapsed. Theo ran over to her. The others soon joined him. She told them to carry on to fight and become stronger. Her wounds were grievous, there was no way she would survive.

Jess looked at her, she knew that Rebecca should have died ages ago. All the girls were crying and the boys were tearing up. Theo nearly down next to her and was crying. He loved her. He really loved her. Then suddenly she closed her eyes to blink and didn't open them again. He leant over her, his tears rolled off his cheek and landed on her face. Her face so was peaceful. James had to tear him away from her, Rebecca's wall was coming down. They never succeeded in their mission, they never found out what it really was.

As they ran ,where Rebecca's body was grew a tree tall and strong. None of them could ever face going back there. Theo blamed James and then went over Acer's side to avenge Rebecca's death.

Jess died protecting Tom, Tom then blamed himself for her death and killed himself, James kept trying to pull a crumbling team together, Lucy left the team after falling in love with someone from Windrin named Dan, Phoebe and Alex ended up leaving as well. Marc and Elodie both died in combat.

This story wasn't about 12 people changing the world. It was about sometimes evil triumphs. Acer didn't change the world, he was content knowing he pulled the team apart.

They may have gone different ways but they Never Forgot.

They never forgot each other.

They never forgot each other's sacrifices.

They never forgot their hard work.

But most of all they never forgot Rebecca and how she tried to save them.

The End.

A/N/F/B: So hi this is really the end! It was always my intention to kill of Rebecca but I didn't think this was how I was going to end it! AND OMG THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU ALL FOR 1K!!! AND FOR STICKING WITH ME TILL THE END!!!!!! THIS HAS BEEN AN AMAZING JOURNEY WITH YOU GUYS!!!!! Good bye everyone!!!!! I love you all!! And thank you especially to @Wolfspaw32 they have been totally supportive of this venture!!! And thanks to my amazing friends who have been so supportive as well!!!

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