Chapter 13

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James' P.O.V

The training room.

Bloody scary.

Dangerous if you don't know what your doing.

Of course I'm going to throw the others in at the deep end.

It's the first time the others have seen it.

It looks like a normal room at first. Then Team England will run them.

From the control panels in a glass box looking over the training room.

Tom will probably make some dick headed comment about it, all I need to say is good luck......

I turn round to the others and say "Team England we're running the program today," a murmur of yes' from Theo and Rebecca, "And Team America and Europe you're training. Good luck, go through there and you'll enter the training rom."

Team England headed up the stairs to the viewing box and to control the panels, this was no easy task if one person's attention slips we could get everyone else killed. We should be fine....

They enter the training room.

"Well this isn't much is it! I mean where are the weapons?"

I knew it- dick head comment from Tom. Rebecca laughed, "Not right now," she said turning on the intercom," just give it a minute."

Her finger came of the button. "Shall we go full blast on Tom?" asked Theo.

"What do you think? Guys you ready, don't drop focus. Training room run program Attack On Titans," I conformed.

Phoebe's P.O.V

After Tom had finished his jack assery, I saw Team England's faces light up with the glow of the lights from the dash board.

"Be prepared, if Rebecca is warning us get ready for a lot," I warned looking round the plain white room, it was lit with industrial light fittings, I drew my sword and shield. The panels on the walls shot out and turned revealing guns in a room with 2 pieces of cover, what are they thinking?

"Marc, Elodie get behind a piece of cover, Jacque, Jess, Alex the other. Alex create some more cover!" I shouted.

Tom snorted in derision knocking my plan aside saying, "Don't worry pansy's,

I've got this, you all go hide and I'll sort this out."

We just followed, I knew he would regret that let's see what this place had to offer. Just then the floor around him opened up and he jumped lightning crackling around his feet. "Hah! Pathetic!" Just then he got sucked in.

"Easy is it?" Rebecca commented through the intercom.

So no floor, guns going of across the walls, someone who could destroy them sucked into the floor and us hiding... I had to take control.

"Plan A, you know the one Tom thought was stupid! Go go go! Lucy is there anything you can do about the guns? Marc, Elodie help her!"

"Sure, on it!" shouted Lucy.

"Alex hurry up on that shelter!"

"I'm going as fast as I can!"

"I can create a floor with my powers!" shouted Jacque.

"Do it,then! Jess pull yourself together! He'll be fine!" You see Jess was screaming and crying at the disappearance of her boyfriend.

Soon the guns had turned of and the floor had been re-constructed.

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