Chapter 3

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3 Weeks Later

The summer was only just beginning to fade and it knew my clothes were not going to be enough soon. I trundled down the high street in Weymouth having only arrived there two days before. I wondered if James was still here, if he had gone to another place but wouldn't I have been told to follow him? There was a bench at the other end if the street, I walked over and plonked down. The moon was full tomorrow, wait, how did I know that??? I learnt not to question things any more. I couldn't carry on like this. Never stopping, always tiered, always alone, actually scaring people. I hadn't had a good nights sleep for weeks. I saw people telling their children to stay away from me, tears streaked down my face. From the corner of my eye I saw someone approach and sit next to me.
"It hurts doesn't it, when they look at you with that look of disgust," the person said. I turned round it was a boy, roughly my age with brunette hair and eyes to match his hair, he had sharp angular cheekbones and the look as if he had been traveling and not eating. Kind of fit to be honest.
"Yeah," I replied.
"Well, us homeless have to stick together! So, why are you out on the streets?"
"Um." What could I tell him? Would he turn me in? But I decided to tell him the half truth.
"My Mum died of cancer, then like 9 Months later my Dad crashed his car and died and I knew I had to get out of there. How about you?"
"Oh," he looked down obviously nervous about this subject.
"Sorry , sorry I didn't mean to upset you."
"No, it's ok. I asked you. My parents just disappeared one day along with my sister. Sorry I forgot to ask you your name."
"Rebecca. You?"
I turned and looked at him wide eyed. This couldn't be him, could it?
" I'm gonna throw out some words and just tell me if you think I'm crazy."
"Hephaestus, Greeks-"
"Sorry, I don't know what your talking about."
"Oh, I've got to be somewhere."
"Ok, I thought I might of found an actual friend..." he said looking down, I could feel the hurt in his voice.
"I didn't say you couldn't come with me did I?"
He jumped up an electric spark in his eyes which I miss took for excitement.
"Let's go."
"Where are we going, anyway?"
"To find a friend, well several friends, but I've got a lot of explaining to do."
We walked of into the crowds.

An Hour Later

"So, your mainly god but part human. You need to find 12 other people all over the world like you out of millions."
"In a bombshell, yes."
He burst out laughing, "I'm sorry, I just can't believe that!"
"Then leave," my voice sounded cold and harsh. He looked upset and I instantly regretted saying anything.
"Maybe I will."
He turned and walked away.
"Jamie, don't," I said apologetic. I reached out my hand as if I was at the edge of a river and was trying to grab something but I couldn't go into the water. I knew there was no hope of coming back, so I walked back out into the crowds. This is my life, how depressing, you know you shouldn't get close to people, you'll only hurt them, I thought.Meandering along the street, I returned to the bench and shrunk back into the cocoon of wallowing self pity that I had created around my self.

A Week Later

I was still walking down the high street, still sleeping on that stone bench when IT happened. The street was busy as there was a market on, someone was running against the tide, he was clearly looking for someone. I was drawn to him as my mind was bored out of it's well mind. He had dark hair that fell on to his eyes and ,when you could see through the hair, his eyes where grey and his jaw line was strong. He's about 15. He turned and looked at me, his grey eyes widened, looking like a man on a mission he pushed his way straight towards me. I started to back up, then I turned on my heel and ran. I didn't even try to pace it, I knew that if I got to the back streets I would lose him easily. But I hadn't factored in the fact that he was faster than me. I hadn't seen anyone do that since....well ever!He grabbed my shoulder, who was he he?? What was he going to do to me?? I thought like a rabbit in the headlights.
"My name is James, is yours Rebecca?"

A/N:Sorry this is sooooo late but I have heard that some if my readers think that this is a fan fiction it's NOT. My little whine over, I hope that everyone enjoys also don't forget to:




Have a good week


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