Chapter 16

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Rebecca's P.O.V

Everything was just a blur after that. Emergency aid was needed. Tears were shed. And I stood in there, the epicentre. If I hadn't acted rashly, maybe, just maybe this wouldn't have happened. But there was one solid clear picture in my swirling world... Theo. He moved towards me and touched my arm. I flinched, he looked hurt. It wasn't him... I just need some time, after what had happened in that place. The burns on my arm were still painful, but they were covered. They were my friends, more than that in some cases, my siblings, I couldn't let them see me in pain. I'm the only one who knows everything that happened, I have to be strong for them. For Marc, for Elodie...

Theo takes me away from the worst of the devestation, up to my room. HE sits me down and he asks, "What happened?"

I just sit in silence for a few seconds, before I start. I explain about the party, he seems crestfallen, "All that time?" I just nod.

I explain about the cell, the silver, I don't think I can tell him about that. About what they did to me. I explain about Jamie before i go into the next part. It seems so long ago when I first met him and James.

There are a secret organisation called Windrin they are set up in order to help us and before that, the world. I say they are made up of people from Australia, Aisia and Africa. They came to break one of their comrades out. Jamie was running past my cell on the way out when he saw me. I told him that they couldn't come forward until the time was right. And, clearly, this time wasn't.

Jamie was infact a decendant of one of the Windrin and was sent out to find us, check if we were real and return. Jamie wasn't really his name it's Aioki. He saved me, but shouldn't have. I show him the scars from where Jamie, no, Aioki tried to cut the sliver. Theo's face was placid but his eyes were burning with anger.

i could feel he tension but I sadi it anyway. "Earlier, when James said that you kissed me... Well, not me but Acer, was it true?"

A/N/F/B: Heeeyee !!!!! It's been literally months since i updated! sorry! i just the most terrible writers block! Sorry to again leave it on another cliffhanger and also that its so shoert! dont kill me! so anyway have a good week maybe see you soon and dont forget to




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