Not Alone

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I hit the Tarmac at speed as I shot out of the windscreen of my dads car. The floor rushed pass me as I landed, I had a gash on my face nothing else. I got up dazed but very much ok. I looked back to the car and I saw my dad hunched over the steering wheel. "Dad?" I screamed running over to him, "Dad can you hear me? You promised you wouldn't leave me like Mum did, remember? You can't go you just can't." Tears were poring down my face, I heard the distant rumble of a car coming down the country road, "Help me! Help me!" my voice hoarse from screaming. The woman in the cars face had a look of horror written across it, her car's breaks squealed in pain from the sharp stop. "You killed him!" the woman said in disbelief.
"Wait, what? I didn't kill him!"
"I saw you with my own eyes!"
She got a mobile from her pocket, and dialled a number.
"Hello? Police ,please."
I turned and ran. The rest of conversation was lost as I ran, I felt the ground beneath my feet. Why would I run that only incriminate myself? My long ginger hair getting in my way. The police won't have trouble finding me, long ginger hair with dark green eyes. I'd been running for fifteen minutes but I hadn't slowed down, a smile spread across my face yesterday my main worry was qualifying for the school's athletics team.
I slowed to a walk and thought about the day before.

Day Before

I was pissed of. Anger was clawing to get out for me to scream. My hands wouldn't stop moving, they never stop moving but especially when I 'm angry or nervous. "I'm going to walk the dog." I called. Before anyone could reply I had slammed the door. I started running my dog was the one I could run properly with. I stopped for a quick rest, I lent on a trunk of a tree. But soon I was fine and ran on. I soon came full circle, and the tree I lent on had a scorch mark on the trunk. I looked at it suspiciously but carried on running. I felt free, part of the wild. I felt the patterns in the wind a and let my fingers run through it. I laughed, when I was outside it felt great. Refreshing. I slowed to a walk as I entered the house.

Present Day

I couldn't go in to a town, anyway I was to far away it would take me at least a day. It was getting dark and I would probably trip and fall in these tangled woods. Mark broke his ankle whilst on D of E here. I saw a felled tree with a rotten core, I could shelter there it was a warm summer evening so I shouldn't freeze to death if I slept here. I wondered what I would do for food, then there were some berries on a bush, blackberries. Blackberries are September and October not June, I smelt the sent of salty waves in the breeze. That's odd I live in the centre of England why would the smell of the sea be here?
The floor was hard as I sat down, my knees clicked and I shuddered I hated it when someone did that. The sent of the sea had got stronger.

Memories Of A Year Ago

The waves lapped against the shore and the I heard my mums tinkling laughter eco through my memories. The sound of moving stones on the beach, the cool creamy ice cream and the shadows of my family stretched on the ground. then suddenly and inexplicably the comforting my mum's shadow disappeared. Like her death... inexplicable and sudden. Thinking of her brought back bad memories.

9 Months Ago

The engraving on the stone of her head stone felt smooth underneath my touch, tears rolling down my face. My Dad's hand resting on my shoulder trying to drag me away, me resisting and screaming to let go. I wanted to be close to her, I wanted to feel the smooth rock one more time, Hell I wanted to stay there for the rest of my life. I would waste a way in front of it.

Present Day

I shivered the cold soaking into my bones. Steps crunched against the grass, I looked up alarmed. The police. I shuffled back quietly and made myself as small as possible. The smell of the sea was almost over powering now.
"Child, I know you're there," he said his voice booming," I know more about you than you do your self! I know why your hiding, what happened, who your running from and who you are."
I decided to sink further into the shadows.
"Come out, my name is Poseidon."
"Interesting name you got there. after the Greek God, right? Must not have been at school having a name like Poseidon."
He laughed," I had cruel parents. But no I was not named after the Greek God. I am the Greek God."
"Totally," I said sarcastically.
"No, really."
"Dude, this isn't funny any more and you're freaking me out, now."
"Is there any way I can prove it?"
"Not unless you can conjure water from thin air and no cheating that means you can't pull it from the ground."
"Those are strict rules, aren't they?"
There was a brief silence.
"Hey! don't you want to see?"
I craned my neck around the corner and just as promised directly in front of him was a sphere of water. The water always moving- kind of like a washing machine- swirling round in circles it's colour changing from green to blue to clear.
"Now do you believe me?" he said still keeping the water in a perfect sphere.
"Hmmm no."
"But you said-"
"I know what you said."
Poseidon looked so upset, I had to tell him.
I burst out laughing, " I'm pulling your leg mate."
"If my brother knew what you just did, you'd be a smouldering body on the ground."
"You seem way to laid back for an all mighty being."
"Well this is me on a good day, my mode changes, well, like the tides."
" So you going to tell me why you're here?"
" Right," Poseidon's voice suddenly became serious," There are 12 children across the world you are one of them. The children are a combination of the 12 Olympian gods but they are still part human, there are 4 here, 4 in the u.s and 4 in Europe. you are one of the four here. One has already begun his search to find you and the other two-"
"So why twelve?"
"Twelve what?"
"Twelve children."
"If you let me finish you would know. Each child is like a particular Olympian. It is true that each child has the power of all the gods but depending on how much of the gods power each child gets, they become more like a particular god. The boy who searches for you is most like Hades."
"So who am I most like?"
"You, Rebecca-"
"Whoa there. I didn't tell you my name."
He just looked at me.
"One I'm a God and two I chose your name. Anyway," he said sighing," you are an interesting case. When we were pooling out powers something went wrong, you where meant to be the daughter of Dionysus, but you became more like Pan and that shouldn't have happened. Athena has spent 13 years trying to work it out!"
"So I'm a mistake," I said mumbling, "just what every girl wants to hear."
"I'm sorry, Rebecca."
"It's OK."
"But that means you are both a danger and no threat. Like the wild you can change unpredictably."
"Hang on what's with the wild references?"
"Pan is Lord of the Wild."
"Ahhhhhhhh , that makes sense."
"So the Gods will be watching you carefully and just a quick pre warning Dionysus isn't fond of you right now, so if you come across any wine/ grape/ party issues blame him."
Poseidon turned to leave.
"Doesn't that mean there's someone out there who's like you?"
"Yes, a girl in Europe, her names Lucy. You need to get going."
"But where do I go?"
"Just look and you'll find what your looking for."
"Yes I know but what am I looking for."
"You'll know soon."
"Can you please give me a straight answer?"
"Your looking for a boy called James."
And then he vanished, didn't let me ask
any more questions, he just vanished...Where he was just standing moments before was a key- not an ordinary key, no difference in size, shape or colouring. I just knew it was different, it was cold in my palm, I put it the pocket of my jeans. I huddled back into the hollowed tree.

A/N: hi everybody I know this chapter has been uploaded in stages sorry for that. Hope everyone is enjoying it!! leave a comment!

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