Chapter 14

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Rebecca's P.O.V

Two weeks to go and so much more to plan! Everyone but Tom was getting along fine, so the party should be great! It was a good thing that our birthday was on the same day or all my time would be taken up with planning... Plus Theo's incessant whining about the party was wearing me down. I was the main one planning the party but I had Alex helping me set up the lighting and sound and things like that but that's all he knew about it. This has to be special, I thought whilst sitting at my desk, apart from me, Theo, Marc and Elodie it was everyone else's 16th birthday. No pressure.... "ugh!" I muttered running my fingers through my hair with stress. Then I realised presents... We are going to have to go out and buy them. Effort! Why can't we just have parties instead of presents! I mean you have to think of something meaningful and that shit.

I called up the stairs, "Theo get T45 we're going out!"

"Whhhy? That means effort," moaned Theo.

"Peresents, duh!"

I heard multiple people coming down the stairs.

"Actually we don't need T45 we need T16!" I changed my mind, T45 had no relevance to any of this.

"What's T16?" asked Alex coming down the stairs.

Theo got there before me, "It's a device that can make us invisible."

"Can I see it?"


Alex turned it around in his hand, looking curious then said," Good try."

"Good Try!" said Theo incredulously.

"You could have made it much more portable if you changed the power source to Potassium, which would also make it more powerful."

"Yes but that would set it on fire in the crucial seconds and you can't work in fire-proof gloves!"

"You can if your the son of Hepheatitus and are immune to fire."

Theo muttered something to himself scowling.

"James, would you like to lead the way?" I said brightly.

"Of course madam," he said whilst mock bowing. I stuck my younger out at him.

In The Town

We had been out for about half an hour when we met up again, we were doing that every half hour just to check no one had died. Which with our luck, was actually likely. And as expected Tom said something completely out of the blue which really pissed me off. Actually anything that came out of his mouth really pissed me of.

"Wow!! These British sidewalks are really narrow!" he said

Sidewalks... They're pavements ,dick face was my murderous thought and I couldn't keep myself.

James' P.O.V

"It's pavements," Rebecca muttered.

"Sorry, Rebecca?"

"I said 'Its pavement'."

"Well more people say sidewalk."

"What language do you speak?"

"English... Why?"

"Where do I come from?"


"Who first colonised America?"

"The English..."

" I speak English and I am from England.Therefore I am right. Yeah I just went there!"

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