Chapter 22

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Seeing everyone together gave Meranda a sense that they were a real family going on vacation. They were packed and had enough supplies to last them a week or more. Salmonia agreed to let Zane's assist her and surrendered herself to him. Her pride wouldn't have allowed for anyone but Zane, to shadow her.

Sal smiled to herself privately acknowledging the feelings she still had for Zane, knowing she would be coming into season during the next blue moon. Maybe another child would be a blessing, especially if she never grew her tail back. She inhaled deeply remembering Zane's musky scent making something deep inside her tighten. She felt strangely content for the moment in his arms. She knew her hormone levels must be revving up. The only thought she wanted to entertain at this moment was her tail growing back, and that's all she needed to focus on.

Meranda was excited and nervous at the same time. Her first sightseeing adventure didn't go well and ended in them being attacked, but if Pete and Zane said it was safe, and then it must be.

Needless to say, it was not any easier getting into the wetsuit the second time, but her shoulder was completely healed giving her the much needed strength to inch the suit over her shoulders.

Salmonia came by to see if Meranda needed help, "Hello...Meranda?" She entered her alcove and heard a lot of noise coming from the privy.

"I'm in here squeezing into my second skin," as she let out a few grunts.

"Do you need help?" Sal asked with a chuckle in her voice. While waiting she looked around and noticed the changes that Meranda had done to the place. It was nice. It had a female's touch to it.

"No I almost got it..." she zipped it up with a few more grunts.

"Everyone is ready to go, but there's no hurry." Salmonia couldn't imagine what it was like to get into a wetsuit, but then again she couldn't imagine not having a tail either until it happened. "I wanted to thank you for the suggestion that I come with. I think it will do me a world of good."

Meranda emerged from the bathroom and felt less embarrassed about the tight suit showing every curve. Sal smiled at her and nodded toward the door and they went to join the rest of the party.

Pete had a strange mixture of emotions on his face, his mouth reflected a smile, but his eyes were sad. Meranda wondered what was up with him lately. Maybe he was upset about his father.

Zane came behind Salmonia placing his hands gently on her waist and together they jumped into the icy cold waters of Lake Superior, followed by four armed mermen. Then Pete and Meranda took the plunge followed by more security.

It took Meranda a few minutes to adjust to the mask that allowed her to extract the oxygen from the water. Giving the thumbs up, Pete moved into place behind her and the mer procession headed out.

The waters were clear and the sights were beautiful, even the shipwrecks had peacefulness to them today. They made their way up past Silver Bay which was about fifty five miles up the shoreline, and this was their first stop.

The mermen in this family were small in numbers, but they were very pleased that the Prince had come to their humble caverns. They did not have the luxuries that Pete's compound had, but what they had they gave freely.

Salmonia and Meranda shared a space in a rock dugout; it was comfortable with soft pallets to lie on. There was no furniture or hearths, no wonderful smelling stews, but they had plenty of salted fish to eat. It was apparent that these mermen had been fishermen. They were polite to the women, but Meranda could sense that women had their place and it wasn't sitting around sharing drink. Both Meranda and Salmonia were glad to be on their way when the sun came up.

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