Chapter 10

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Salmonia joined Pete as a united front before meeting with the Father. On the way she stopped for a moment, noticing how silky smooth the corridor walls were. Something she rarely took the time to look at, but after a brush with death all things seemed noteworthy.

The Father always made her nervous, but meeting with the Viking Warriors put her over the edge, making her feel more female than huntress. Although her excitement at meeting the legendary warriors overrode any other emotion. Sal could hear their deep vibrating voices, and when she entered the room, they all stopped talking and bowed to greet her.

"Welcome huntress, we are glad to see you are in good health. We have been informed that you will be giving us a tour of the area. It will be our pleasure to be in the company of such a beautiful guide." Folkor, the guardian of the people, spoke telepathically to her and even in her head his voice was powerful. 

"The pleasure is mine Folkor, the guardian of the people." Pete felt Sal tremble slightly, but she hid it well, "Shall we go at sunrise, after you have rested from your long journey?" Sal looked the size of a smelt compared to these massive Norse Viking Warriors.

"Please, do me the honor and call me, Folkor, as my friends do." Folkor's smile was genuine and spread widely over his face.

"If you feel you are recovered huntress, we would be honored to help hunt so as not burden your pod with our large appetites." Logmar's smiling eyes were an extension of his contagious grin, making Salmonia relax.

Sal and Pete watched as Eira and Einar brought in platters of fish, flasks of wine, and fresh warm bread. Sal was pleased about the bountiful feast that had been set before the warriors. "We will leave you to your meal." She bowed before the warriors and then joined Pete by the pool port.

Sal went directly to speak to the kitchen crew, "Eira and Einar you have done me proud. Thank you." Salmonia smiled at the twins who beamed with pride that they could be there for their huntress.

Sal then met Pete in his quarters and discussed the outing that would take place in the morning, before they themselves retired for the evening. Sal knew the hunt would tax her, but she was excited to show their honored guests around the lake.

Pete headed to the lab; he had a feeling Meranda was still there. "I see you're still hard at it. Have you stopped for supper at least?" Pete said warily.

"I did, the twins brought my dinner down here. It was so thoughtful. You look about as tired as I feel." Meranda laughed feeling the stress in her shoulders and began some shoulder rolls. "I'm just about to call it a night."

"Shall I wait and walk you to your quarters?" Pete rubbed his large hand through his hair.

"No, that won't be necessary, but thank you. Are the warriors settled in?"

"They are settled, and Sal is feeling better, in fact, we are taking them out in the lake tomorrow to assess the situation and show them the unique structure of this great lake. We are leaving early, so I probably won't see you until dinner, at which time I will give you a full report." Pete's eyes twinkled knowing Meranda would want to know every detail.

"I will see you for dinner then. Be safe." Meranda's young face was creased with exhaustion and worry. She knew she would be on edge until they returned safely; however, having massive mermen among them did give her comfort.

Morning arrived early, and the cave filled with a busy hum. Once Pete, Zane, and Sal were suited up they huddled together making sure they all knew the plan. "Pete I will go first." Salmonia never forgetting that her job was to serve and protect the Son of the Lake. She felt annoyed at Pete that he did not always give her the respect as his protector, but she quickly forgave him knowing he was never comfortable with his role as Prince. He stopped and gave Sal the "after you" arm signal. 

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