Chapter 19

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The troops assembled outside the caves. The Vikings stood at attention. Their majestic frames shadowed the area as they lined up shoulder to shoulder, creating a massive shield of Norwegian warriors.

Each were eight feet tall. The span between one shoulder and the other was four feet of roped muscle. Their tail fins were five feet wide and fanned gracefully giving the warriors their balance to remain in place. They crossed their hands behind their backs at a soldier's attention, waiting for the command to move out making their arms bulge the size of boulders. Pete and his men looked like small fry next to these ocean born mermen.

Each Viking wore a leather sash wrapped around his scalloped waist with swords that hung snuggly at their sides. The swords alone were nearly the height of a regular mer.

The handles of their weapons were engraved and were unique to their family's crest. Thick leather straps pressed taunt against their solid chests, before crossing in the middle of their shoulders that housed a dagger. The knife was placed strategically so that one could reach over his shoulder in close proximity and access the blade, allowing them to easily rip the entrails out of their opponent, and gut them like a deer.

The red arm bands they wore, emphasized the monolithic volume of their strength, and represented the blood lost from the fallen men. Their beards and mustaches were braided in various designs and embellished with charms, proudly worn by a seasoned Norse Warrior.

At the beginning of the line stood Sigurdr, the guardian of victory, his blonde hair was shaved on each side of his head leaving only the top of his head thickly braided. The braid then fell free as it continued past his thick neck, and laid between his shoulder blades. His reddish blonde mustache weaved together with his beard, before splitting into two braids and decorated with charms, before resting on his chest. He had icy light Norwegian blue eyes that were shaped like half-moons.

His family's symbol, was the colors of the Norwegian flag as the backdrop to an ivory carved fist holding a lightning bolt. Sigurdr seemed just a little bigger than the rest of the warriors, if that were even possible.

Next in line was Logmar, the lawman. He looked most like the pictures drawn of Triton. His wavy red hair flowed around his neck and down around his shoulders. He had light blue eyes that twinkled with mischief and good humor. He didn't sport a beard, but had many charms woven into his mustache that hung far beyond his cleft chin.

On the handles of his swords, were the scales of justice, engraved in silver and set against black onyx. His full mouth was clenched tight in anticipation of the battle as his roped muscles contracted beneath his freckled skin that defined a frame built to fight.

Hallvardr, the rock defender, could easily blend into his surroundings with his gray slate colored hair and beard. His hair was fastened back with many leather ties cascading down his back before blending into the colors of his tail. He looked like a stone statue, except for his black gleaming eyes. His forked beard was knotted at the end with sapphires and rubies that were generously woven throughout his mustache. His olive colored skin stretched tightly across his massive chest. He appeared muscle bound, yet moved gracefully through the water. His swords and weaponry were carved with mountains jetting out of the ocean and set against a sky of turquoise blue.

Fourth was Gunnar, the element of gunnr war and arr warrior. His long silky brown hair danced in the water at the excitement of war. His dark skin and almond shaped brown eyes drew you to in. He bore no facial hair giving his high cheekbones and brilliant smile center stage. His swimmers build was slender with long smooth muscles that tapered seductively to his semi-transparent tail that showed his well-defined buttocks. When his tail became solid, it was smooth and without scales fanning into a variegated vibrant blue tail.

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