His stomach was sick and twisted up because of these thoughts, because of his guilt. He never even knew a demon could feel like this. It was like his heart and brain were tearing apart molecule by molecule. By now, his grip on the doll was so hard, his hand shook and the stuffing shifted inside, near ready to burst, but he tried to hold back as not to break the only thing he had of her. It was a difficult thing to do when dying the most painful death.

It hurt so bad in his chest that he bit into his lip in distraction, fangs piercing the flesh. Blood pools from the tips of the canines, but it felt so much better in comparison to his internal pains. Last night, Mephistopheles had come to the throne room to fill Lucifer in on his troubles. It wasn't an uncommon occurrence to confide in the ex-angel whenever Phil got upset by something. Sometimes things would just slip out on their own because he knows Lucifer is a trustworthy friend.

Since then, he hasn't left the room or even slept. He couldn't— Not after seeing that look on Y/N's face. How could he sleep, knowing she is terrified of him and being tormented by nightmares from that dreadful spell put onto her eyes? Convinced the one who casted it was the demon he killed that day Y/N saw him, only more guilt ate him. The spell-caster can always get it undone, but instead, he panicked when he saw that creature standing over his sheep's trembling form and killed him. Now, matters have been made more complicated.

"Mephistopheles, you've been sitting there all night. You should rest," the fallen angel suggests while resting his head on the palm of his hand. Slight annoyance was clear in his tone, for he was growing tired of the king's behavior. Yes, he understands the man's heartbroken, but he couldn't help but feel agitated by the dampened mood. It was suffocating!

He had never seen him like this, so pained, so distraught. Y/N certainly means a lot to him. He still couldn't believe that, of all people, he was the one to pick a human for a sheep. He had expressed his hatred of their kind many a time, though that was expected after having heard all the terrible tales of things they have done throughout the ages. What specifically about that girl caught his interest?

Lucifer's evaluation of her wasn't terrible, but personally, he thought her a bit meek. Well, the reason why he had fallen for her didn't matter now. The fact is, she had left him in this wretched state, and that upset the man deeply. Next chance he got, he'd cuss her out for it. Honestly, what did she expect when told she would be partnering with a demon? Rainbows and sunshine?

"Why was she out there?" Mephistopheles mutters, completely ignoring what Lucifer had said. "She knew it was dangerous. I told her not to go anywhere without me." His fangs dig deeper into the wound on his lip when a painful prick hit the corners of all four of his eyes.

"What did you expect? Curiosity is a dangerous thing, and she is human, after all. When it boils down to it, they are all the s—"

"Not her!" Phil snaps suddenly, growling lowly, angered by the fact he would insult his sheep as such. He doesn't know her. He doesn't know how hesitant she would've been to leave her room. This whole thing reeked of foul play, but he was too distraught to place the pieces. Standing abruptly from the throne, he turns to glare at the creature in the cage. "She's not the same as those insects. She isn't so stupid!" Lucifer falls silent and breathes deeply to calm himself. Even he knew that riling up the demon wouldn't end well.

"All right, all right. Calm down and sit your ass in that chair before you do something you'll regret." Phil takes a moment before sitting down and muttering an apology under his breath. He sighs and runs a hand through his thick hair, causing Lucifer's eyes to soften. "She really means a lot to you, huh?"

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