Peter smiles.

"That was awesome!" He says

"Thanks!" You say and open the bag.

Peter grabs the one he wanted and then you both eat.

"Y/n that was amazing!" Nat says

"Thanks mom!" You say laughing.

Then you and Peter walk back to your room and watch Star Wars.


You and Peter were sitting your shared room.

Nat, Bruce, Steve, and Tony agreed that you could share a room until you were 8. Then you get split rooms.

You guys were sad but excited at the same time.

You keep watching Star Wars and Peter stares at the wall an squints.

"I'm gonna climb the wall. Wanna come with?" He asks

"Ok!" You exclaim.

You two walk up to the wall and crawl up.

You were now on the ceiling and Peter let's go of the ceiling, he was on his feet.

He was standing on the ceiling.

You did the same thing.

Then Steve walks in.

He looks around and couldn't see you too.

"Hi pop!" He hears.

He heard it from above.

His eyes widen and he looks up.

You and Peter were waving to him.

"TONY!" Steve yells

Tony comes rushing in with his tank top on and gloves.

Nat and Bruce rush in too.

"Y/N! PETER!" Bruce exclaims

"No hands!" You and Peter exclaim.

"Tony..." Steve says

"Stop it! You'll give Daddy a heart attack! And Y/n you're giving mom and dad a heart attack!" He says pointing to Nat and Bruce who were under you and Peter holding their arms out to catch you guys if you fall.

"I'm serious Peter! Y/n!" He says

You two look at each other and place your hands back on the ceiling.

You guys crawl back to the wall and then down the wall to get to the floor.

Before your feet hit ground Nat and Bruce grabbed you from the wall and put you in a bone crushing hug.

"Sweetie that was amazing. BUT NEVER DO THAT AGAIN." She says

"But it's fun." You mumble

They give you a death glare.

"Ok, but can I do it when you're around?" You ask

"Ok. But not by yourself." She says

"Ok mom." You say

You look over to Peter who was being hugged in a bone crushing hug by Steve and Tony.

He had a look on his face that said 'help me'

You laughed and he smiled.


"Sorry pop." Peter says

"It's fine Peter. Just, don't do that without us." Tony says

"Ok Dad." Peter says

"Now. After all that its time for dinner" Nat says and you all walk to the kitchen.

Everyone was already there and the table was set up.

You all sat down, (Say grace if you want to), and then started eating.

When that was finished, you and Peter were drawing on the counter.

He showed you his drawing of a car and you drew a spider.

It was now 8:30 and you were getting tired. You still had a time to go to sleep.

You and Peter followed Nat, Bruce, Steve, and Tony to your room.

You were tucked in by Nat and Bruce and the kissed you on the forehead.

"Love you sweetie." She says

"Love you Princess." He says

"Love you mom, love you dad." You say and smile.

"Night Peter. We love you." Steve says

"Night Pete." Tony says

They kiss him on the forehead and he smiles.

"Love you Dad. Love you pop." Peter replies

"Night sweet pea." Tony says

"Night little spider." Steve says

"Night." You say and they all walk out.

Then they turn off the lights.

"Goodnight Peter." You say

"Goodnight Y/n." He says

Then you fall asleep.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Have a great day and stay awesome guys!
Word count:1010

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