Part 6: Toby

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Thanks for a hundred reads!  I'll work harder than ever on this! "D

. . .

Part 6: Toby

She stepped into the forest. The forest that shaded her from the rain that day. The forest where she cried. The forest that kept her mom in its branches.

She took long strides, her sneakers soaked in the newly wet soil. She smelled petrichor with a hint of earth, raising her head to the sky, the little droplets falling on her face.

Finally, she reached the forest's centre. The hill. There was a rusty sign, moss covering the name of the place. Grey stones were placed in rows, some of them stacked up in threes, and the grass was sprinkled with morning dew. It would have been a beautiful place, except the events that took place on the green forest floor.

There were many rows of stones, built she only had eyes for one. Even from that distance, she could read what was on it.

"I'm home, Mom."


After trudging up the hill, apologizing softly to unseen people, Rishima reached her mom's grave. She sat on the muddy ground and pulled her legs to her chest, letting her hair fall over her eyes like a curtain of red. She read the words on the gravestone. Diana Flores, 1973-2009.

Despite failing history multiple times, Rishima remembered every single memory she had with her mom, although it was only for a good 9 years.

Everything was perfectly sunny. Her dad, was holding her mom's hand instead of a bottle. He was clean shaven & tanned, a proud father. He was looking down at Rishima in her mom's arms.

Her mother was smiling at the camera, cradling her. Everyday they would tell Rishima stories about love and happiness and all the other things Rishima was missing in life now.

Her mom and dad would hold her. She hadn't realized how much she misses just a simple hug. She didn't need to ask back then. She would be getting hugs every single day.

This is a recreation. She doesn't remember a thing from her childhood. Dad smashed all the pictures, even the ones she hid under her bed. Her childhood was two brackets with nothing in-between.

One day, Fate decided to take her mom. And obviously, dad blamed himself for her death (she can see it) and yes, he hides it well but he cries every night (she can hear it)and his smell turned from pinecones to liquor (she can smell it). and now-

"Hold up, Red," The girl stopped her negative thoughts. "You're here to talk to your mom, not yourself. "

And she did.

"How's it going mom? I bet you're having a great time in heaven. Or dirt. I miss you. Dad too. "

She took a shallow breath.

"Lately my grades have been dropping a bit. Not like it can drop any further." she wiped away a tear. "William is still great. He got a full score on Algebra yesterday."

"Basically... You know the thing I've been trying to avoid? Yeah, Alyssa somehow convinced me to do it. I dont know how, mom, but I think I've broken a law. I know! I know! Curiosity kills the cat. I'm not dead yet though. "

Rishima went quiet for a while as her thoughts fluttered back to that boy. That boy with the deep eyes who looked like he understood her more than anyone, although they only met once, even more than Alyssa did.

"I've broken the second part of the law, mom. I know you wouldn't be proud but I feel… so happy. I don't know why, but the second the boy came out of the machine, inside i felt a little bit proud. Like i just freed a butterfly. "

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2019 ⏰

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