Chapter Twenty Two - Just Like Peanut Butter and Jelly

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He leaned forward, so his moth was right next to my ear, "Are you done?" he whispered. I nodded, as my breath hitched.

His face was suddenly in front of mine, our noses lightly brushing against each other. "Good" he mumbled, as he gently pressed his lips to mine. The radio still playing and Niall humming whenever he'd stop kissing me. 

Never thought I'd live

To see the day

When everybody's words got in the way

Hey sugar show me all your love

All you're giving me is friction

Hey sugar what you gotta say?

We stayed their for who knows how long kissing, one hand holding him up and another slowly brushing up and down the side of my stomach, as my hands laid on his stomach, slightly holding his shirt, making it crumple. It must've been a while because Liam stood in the doorway clearing his throat and awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck as Danielle stood behind him giggling, and giving me a thumbs up. 

"I'm hoping this means you're both done packing?" Liam said as Niall and I both stood up, smoothing out our shirts, acting as if nothing had happened. 

Niall turned to me and smiled, walking by as he grabbed two of my suitcases and Liam grabbed the other and walked out of the room. 

Danielle ran over to me, grabbing my arm and holding onto it tightly, giggling like mad. "What was that?" she said a giant smile spread across her face. 

"Nothing" I muttered letting my hair fall in front behind my ears because I was sure my face had turned a dark shade of pink. 

I grabbed my phone and wallet with one hand and my carry on bag with the other walking out of the room, Danielle close behind me, "Mhm, nothing.." she smirked, walking past me and running down the stairs. 


"Ugh, I'm so exhausted" I groaned, falling down on the first couch I saw in the pent house we would be staying in until we left Florida.

"Is wittle Twanner twired?" Louis cooed, himself being the opposite and full of energy.

"Yes . . ." I moaned, my head shoved into a pillow.

"Well it is 2AM back in London" Liam stated, making me groan again. 

"Why don't you go to bed, it's already 9 so I don't think it'll mess up your sleep" Niall said, patting my head. 

I got and slowly walked toward the room Niall had said we were staying in. 

"She's like the walking dead" I head Harry mumbled, a slap, and a yelp before I walked in the room and collapsed on the bed.

I snuggled under the covers, ready to fall asleep, when suddenly something made me feel wide awake. 

I was going on tour with One Direction. I was going to meet their fans. It wasn't a bad thing, but I knew some of them could be harsh. All the other girls received hate, so that meant I would too. 

Sure, Niall had announced we were dating on twitter,but their hadn't been to many public appearances of us together, and they hadn't had an interview since we had been together, so no one knew to much about me. Which meant it would be easy for them to make up rumors. 

Let's face it, I wasn't perfect, nobody was. But I felt like it was a bigger deal than it was in school because everybody would be watching me, expecting me to be perfect when I wasn't.

I could always lose a few pounds, not that I was over weight, I would still get a zit or two every once in a while, My hair wasn't perfect, and I had was pretty muscular which some people thought wasn't right for a girl.

"You're still awake?" Niall said confused, when he walked in the room to see me laying down, staring at the ceiling. 

"Can't sleep" I muttered. It was true, I was still extremely tired, but with that on my mind, I didn't know if I could fall asleep. 

"You okay?" Niall asked, climbing into the bed. "You look nervous" he said with a concerned face. 

"Ya-" I tried to say, but Niall shook his head.

"Something's wrong, tell me"

I sighed, knowing I'd have to tell him now. "I'm gonna get a lot of hate, aren't I?" 

Niall sighed, probably knowing this was going to come at one point and not wanting for me to be upset. "Yes, but everybody get's it, even people who aren't dating me or the boys" Niall said, chuckling a bit at the last part. 

"But . . ." I sighed, knowing what was going to come out would sound stupid. "They'll hate me, and judge me, make up rumors, and lets face it, I'm not perfect, so it'll be easy" I mumbled. 

He reached out, lifting my chin up so I was looking into his eyes. "Listen, nobody's prefect"

"Hannah Montana already taught me that" I scoffed, making Niall roll his eyes. 

"You're not perfect, I'm not perfect, but we're perfect together, and that's all that matters" He said, staring into my eyes so I knew he was serious. I nodded my head smiling, letting him know I understood.

"Like peanut butter and jelly?" I said, before letting out a yawn.

"Like peanut butter and jelly" Niall chuckled. "Now go to sleep" he said chucking, kissing my head. 


Authors Note: Pretty short chapter . . . but I'm still busy, school starts in one day! :( Anyways, it's not the most interesting chapter, but it's pretty cute and all I've got right now. and THANK YOU for all the votes! Over 300?! Seriously, thanks soo much! Hope you liked the story:) Next update is Tuesday if I can fit it in after school! (The first day of school.. :-/) Vote, Comment, Fan, whatever! Thanks for reading! :)

Hannah xx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2012 ⏰

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