- I don't know anything anymore..

everytime eunsae remembered that she and the commander alone who knew what came in seohyun's latter, she will feel so sad and want to shout on his face after he knew her friend's shy secret...

ray tryed to calm the situation... while maru insist to suppress the anger in eunsae's heart... so he calmed down and said:

- i think that what happen doesn't makes you to not be with your friends yesturday and be alone sleeping...

everyone in the bus was listenning interstingly to the commander's words and gussing what eunsae would answer... after the bus stoped for moments... eunsae didn't answer... she was trying to calm herself so she won't cry... her situation started to get weak... she didn't look at the commander... but she was looking at the seat infront of her instead... a long seconds passed then she said:

- first: i'm the only one who say how much i can be angry about what happened... so i'm the one who realise how it means to betray my dead friend... second: i'm free to change my mind to be with my friends or to sleep and that doesn't stop on anyone.. third: i'm here and you can see me so it doesn't matter to tell you that i'm exist...

the commander was ready to reply about eunsae's harsh words which she took advantage of being outside the military life so the commander smirks and said:

- i don't need that list of disissions to let you know that i don't actually see you in the bus

the commander was rougher and that makes eunsae want to cry... except that ray cut all the harsh emotions and said:

- if you didn't stop fighting i won't talk to both of you...

everyone get silent... and they get back to there places... eunsae felt that her anger increased... but ray's words saved her from a bad situation... so she looked again outside the window and she didn't knew what the hiding for her when she come back... finaly the bus arrived... the girls got down seriously and each one of them take back there bags to the rooms... except eunsae who stoped her the senior housing and gave her the official paper of the general comand eunsae felt scared and worried and felt that the way to her room was long... when she get to her room she droped everything from her hand and opened the paper... everyone was looking at her... eunsae's expresions changed to worse... and she felt more anger and hate in her heart... what in the paper?... eunsae droped it in anger... and every girl looked at the other in convusion and displeasure... it's an order to attend to the military camp maintenance for three months... a very long bored time... even if the salary higher and the privilages better... but she don't know anyone there and they won't let her see her friends or get back again to the camp until she end the three months... that what they all thought when they read the paper... eunsae started to collect her things again in anger and silent... and everyone around her helping her with teary eyes that they don't want her to see it... the situation was bigger than talking... because tomorrow is her first day at her new job... she don't know what the destiny will write for her.. and that why her eyes turned from sadness to crying... she cried silently... vicky wanted to release eunsae's sadness and anger so she can be better... she get close to her and said in a sad tone:

- it was a bad day my friend... but...

vicky didn't know that her words make eunsae cry louder then she left everything from her hand and shouted:

- from the first day that i came to the camp all my days are bad... why i was the only one who been with seohyun the night she die... why she didn't leave her latter except for me?... and why me who told the commander that he's a cleaner... and im the one whi have been chossed to leave to the other camp... and... and... and...

the girls felt that eunsae was about to breakdown... because of the roughness from the commander this day and what came from orders annoyed her... hyuyoon reached her and held her hand and huged her then said:

- eunsae... sweety... will you leave all this and accept a cup of hot tea from me it will make you get better...

eunsae didn't say anything... but she stand up wiped her tears and go with hyuyoon to the living room... everything changed in seconds... all the girls get around eunsae and the tea cups felling there hands... eunsae started to get calm again and the sadness go away... hyuyoon stand up between the girls and said:

- who can tell me what is the privilages that eunsae has when she go to the other camp?

the question was strange but hyuyoon wanted to make eunsae laugh by it.... the confusing look appeared on the girls faces... everyone was thinking about the answer... vicky put her hand up to answer and said:

- the tasty food... i heared that they had a good chef and they are famous about it...

hyuyoon shake her head refusing vicky's answer... and that make them curious... Tia smiled like she know the answer and said:

-she will see her uncle after she come back... because there camp rules alow them to take a vacation for a month.. when they want to...

everyone looked at hyuyoon who said to make everyone laugh even though Tia's answer is right:

- no... no... never

eunsae smiled when she saw her friend trying to cheer her up... then hyuyoon said:

- the good privilage... that she won't see the commander for three months in row...

everyone in the room was laughing... while min smiled shyly... and eunsae involved with the happiness until the last moment....


auther note: even though i don't have much readers and maybe no body liked it and im sad for that :( :( but i will keep writing

cheer up auther nim xp ......

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