I, Dong Shan Cai, couldn't be more happier in life.

Act Two: The Good Place

Am I dead?

That was the question that flooded through my mind. I don't know where I am. The last thing I remember was that I was in so much pain. I heard people shouting frantically, "She's losing too much blood!" Maybe I was dying then. Maybe I am really dead now.

I don't feel pain anymore. Nor do I feel weak. In contrast, my body feels light. It's like I am waking up from a long slumber and I can't remember anything at all.

I tried recalling what happened. What was I doing before? Where was I before?
In spite of the feeling of lightness in my body, my eyes felt so heavy. I squinted. Where am I? Why is it so bright in here? If I'm really dead then this must be heaven. Right?

Wherever I am now, it's not some place I belong to. I wanted to get out and leave this place. I'm suddenly mad at myself. I'm scared.

"Help!" I touched my throat. Why is there no sound? "Help!" I tried again. I must have shouted myself hoarse and still I hear nothing.

I'm panicking already.

Please, somebody, help me. Please. Help me. Help.

Then the world slipped away.

Five days ago...

I'm nearly nine months pregnant. Unlike my first pregnancy I didn't suffer from preeclampsia. At my last check up the baby and I were both fine and healthy. So I was calm and relax, worry-free on this one.

Xi Men on the other hand was so stressed out. Mainly because I kept having food cravings in the middle of the night.

Flashback on my fourth month of pregnancy...

"Xi Men," I kicked him.
Xi Men stirred in his sleep. "Whaaa....what?" He asked rubbing his eyes.
"I'm hungry."
"Okay, I'll get you something to eat." He rose from the bed, donned his night robe and left the room.

Five minutes later he returned with a plate of sandwich.

"Here." He handed it over to me.
I made an ugly face as soon as I saw the sandwich. "I don't want that."
"You said you were hungry." Xi Men put the plate on the side of the bed.
"I am. But I think I want to eat a grapefruit." I said. "Yes, a grapefruit. That's what I want to eat."
"But we don't have a grapefruit." Xi Men replied.
"Then go out and buy some."
I nodded. "C'mon! I can't go back to sleep unless I've eaten a grapefruit." I demanded.
"But it's three in the morning, Xiao You." He tried to reason out with me.
"I don't care. Just buy me. I'll be waiting for you."

Since this was Xi Men's first time to experience pregnancy with me he was starting to lose his cool with my ungodly hour and highly unusual food cravings. And an unsatisfied pregnant Xiao You is not someone to be messed around with. So he had no choice but to go out and hopefully find a twenty-hour convenience store which sells grapefruit.

I never really liked grapefruit as a child and even as an adult. So it came as a surprise for me that this is what I was craving. Good thing Shanghai has a good supply of this or else Xi Men would have to look elsewhere. Because I'm not gonna be satisfied and full until I've eaten one.

Xi Men wanted to know early on what our second child will be. He has been saying over and over again that he wanted a girl. To make it even. One boy, one girl. Since we're both an only child we are in agreement on this. But whatever the sex of our new baby really is I don't mind. As long as it is healthy and normal. This child will grow up loved and cherished.

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