Chapter 24: The Avengers And The Harem Reaper?... Also Alex Mercer.

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This has been the journey so far...

The Soul Consumer, His Loving Companions and the Blacklight Virus meets the Avengers in the flesh

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The Soul Consumer, His Loving Companions and the Blacklight Virus meets the Avengers in the flesh... But before the Grim Reaper could ask questions of the Fantastic Four... They had other problems.

-Crow Father.

Alex: This world seems safe from any sign zombies.

(y/n): Seems like it... The best we can do now is start planning.

Alex: Plan what? Chasing down the Fantastic Four? We don't even know where they are.

(y/n): Damn... You is right.

You replied to Alex as the two of you stood there, simply thinking of what to do while Pepper kindly offered the girls some cake and drinks as Janet stood beside you and asked.

Janet: Those girls... They're really with you?

(y/n): Yup. Best not to question it.

???: Hey, Thor! Come here real quick, thunder buddy!

You looked up to see what appears to be the rest of the Avengers, some looked familiar when you met their zombie counterparts while some looked new to you as the one called "Thor" arrived.

You looked up to see what appears to be the rest of the Avengers, some looked familiar when you met their zombie counterparts while some looked new to you as the one called "Thor" arrived

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Thor: What is it, Stark?

Tony: Are these friends of yours?

Thor turns towards you and the gang as he took a moment before speaking.

Thor: No, they don't look familiar to me... But I wouldn't doubt I have friends that I forgotten about! HAHAHA!

Thor laughs as he walked up to you and shook your hand as you were a bit confused, but you just slightly smiled as Thor asked.

Thor: Are you from Asgard young friend?

(y/n): Actually no, we cane from a different dimension, just like this one.

Thor: Ah! It seems visitors from different worlds is becoming a common thing now. Haha!

You and Alex's eye widen from those words as Alex asked.

Alex: Wait, someone else came to this world?

Tony: Totally! There were a bunch of evil aliens, trying to take over earth. But we Avengers made sure it didn't happen.

Alex: Oh...

Alex then turns to you and spoke.

Alex: Doesn't sound like the Fantastic Four.

(y/n): Your right and you have one strong grip, Thor.

Thor: Thank you! I am the son of Odin after all. HAHAHA!

You just blinked your eyes from this statement as your beginning to think Thor is a little drunk... Then a piece of cake hovers in front of you as you turn to see Ashido with a smile.

Ashido: Want some?

You simply smiled softy as you replied.

(y/n): I'd love some.

[Timeskip with (y/n)'s Harem literally fighting over him as they began pulling every limb he has as he just lets it happen with an annoyed look.]

???: Hey man, you ok?

As you and Alex were chatting with Tony and Thor, a civilian was walking towards Tony as everyone turn towards him as he didn't look so good... He looked... Terrible.

???: Hey man, that looks real!

Tony: What is it? Another Zombie dress up? Come on, the first one didn't impressed me.

You simply watched the civilian walked over to Tony as Alex had a suspicion about this one.

Alex: (y/n). I don't think that's a fake.

Tony: Does look real though, mind if I touch it?

Tony asked as he tried to reach towards the civilian's face... However both you and Rogers immediately acted before the Zombie tried to attack Tony ad Rogers pulled Tonu away...

Rogers: Look out!

And you got in the way and took the hit as the zombie bites down on your arm as every civilian were in shock.

(y/n): Tch... Cute.

You then swing your arm around you and slammed the zombie's head into a stone wall, crushing it's head as you turn towards the civilians.

(y/n): Everyone get out! Things are about to be terrible!

The civilians did not hesitate to do so as they all ran out of the building as Tony began.

Tony: J. A. R. V. I. S going to need the tower in lockdown.

And with that said, the entire tower's security system barracked the doors and windows with high tech as Tony asked.

(y/n): Nice tech.

Tony: J. A. R. V. I. S. Could you see if there are any none-Avengers in the building?

Jarvis: There are ten civilians, they are evacuating right now... Sir we have a problem.

Tony: Report.

Jarvis: I am tracking now seven vital signs... Three... Now only one... Zero. Sir I believe those ten vitals signs have been transformed.

Tony: Transformed? Great.

Tony said as a holographic screen appeared in front of him and Banner.

Banner: Any idea what we're dealing with?

Tony: Nope, but whatever it is. It's nasty.

Tony then turns towards his Avenger team and spoke.

Tony: If you want to back out of this, now is the time.

However none of the left as Tony only smiled and the Avengers quickly changed to their equipment and outfits as "Captain America" turns to you and the gang and demands.

Captain America: Ok you kids, your going to stay here where it's saf-

However the Avengers then sees a Sword and flintlock in hands, a large folding white Scythe, an umbrella with a hidden blade, acid coming from someone's pink hands, sharp ear jacks and a powerful frying pan... Damn it Siesta- as the Avengers were speechless as Rogers rethinks his words while you crossed your arms and Alex puts his hands in his pockets.

Rogers: Oh... Alright then, Ahem! You two boys stay here where it's sa-

However Alex uses his Blacklight Virus to cover his body into his iconic armor as your body glows a black and red, terrifying aura as you smirked sadistically.

(y/n): Alright...

Then... Everything fades to black...

(y/n): Lets crush some zombie skulls~

Then the title "Marvel Zombies" appeared as the title is covered in blood and a faint laughter was heard.

Is it possible... To change? [Alex Mercer and male reader story]Where stories live. Discover now