Chapter 21: The Fight Between Corpses!

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This has been the journey so far...

The Soul Consumer must hold off the Undead Heroes for the others to escort the humans to safety

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

The Soul Consumer must hold off the Undead Heroes for the others to escort the humans to safety... But the Soul Consumer can not hold them off for long.

-Crow Father.

A fight outside the temple has begun as you were fighting the rest of the Undead Heroes, as you hold them off, Alex and the others led the humans to a safer room as you landed on the ground as Wolverine lunged towards you and impaled his claws into your chest.

Wolverine: Not so tough now huh, bub?

You gritted your teeth and head butted Wolverine's head and kicked him in the chest, pushing him away from you as you rolled to the side as the Hulk attempted to crush you beneath his feet.


(y/n): Well (y/n) hates gaint baby who cries a lot.

Hulk lets out a angry scream as he charges to you and throws a punch in which you used both hands to grab his fist before throwing him towards Gaint Man.

(y/n): Jeez I haven't have this much fun since forever!

Gaint Man: Will you just shut up?!? 

Iron man: I got the kid.

Zombie Iron man said as he flew behind you and got you into a choke hold as his helmet lifts opens.

Iron Man: No hard feelings kid.

Then a female Zombie Hero in a suit with a symbol of a Phoenix flies right in front of you and began tearing your chest and eating bits of you.

(y/n): AH! Son of a b*tch!

You shouted as you kicked the Female Hero away and grabbed Iron Man by the leg and tossed him aside, however the Pheonix hero didn't stop her attack as she lunges towards you and tackled you onto the ground.

Phoenix: You sure are a cute one! Too bad I'm going to eat you u-

However you punched Phoenix in the head as she falls backwards as you stood up and walked toward her and raised your right foot up and made a hole in Phoenix's chest before grabbing her arms and ripping them out of her body and began to eat her arms.

Giant Man: What the hell?! Your eating her arms!

(y/n): Yea! I can eat anything I want to!

You shouted as you ate the rest of her arms as you pulled your leg out of Phoenix's chest who is still alive but unable to get up at the moment.

(y/n): Come at me! I still got some strength in me!

[Timeskip with Janet spotted a sleeping (y/n) in his lab as she leaves and comes back with a warm blanket and placed it over him and left the lab.]

Alex: Come on! Everyone inside the safe room!

Forge: Careful, don't push.

Meanwhile inside the temple, Alex, Janet, Forge and T'Challa were escorting the survivors inside a large safe room, and as everyone got inside, the vault door shuts closed as Alex stood in front of the door with his arms transformed into large heavy fists.

Alex: We just got to wait till (y/n) gets back.

Janet: We can't just wait here! Let me out and help (y/n)!

T'Challa: No, Wasp. We need you here to help us stop whatever tries to get in.

Janet: F*ck! If i find out that he's dead, I'll-

Alex: He won't die! I can promise you that.

Suddenly the room begins to shake as everyone immediately gift quiet.

Forge: What was that?

A few minutes of silence has passed and suddenly something burst through the wall as the civilians screamed in horror as you rolled out to the side and immediately got back up before Gaint man walked inside and tried to push you down.

Gaint Man: Alright boys and girl! We hit the jackpot!

And so, Wolverine, Phoenix, Iron Man and the Hulk rushed in to devour the survivors as Alex, Forge, Wasp, Hawkeye, Zombie Coronal America, Spiderman, Luke Cage and Cortez tried to push them back as you slipped out of Gaint Man's hand and grabbed him by the neck and pushed him down.

(y/n): You will suffer for what you have done! Now die!

However before you can finally finish Gaint Man with a gun to the head... Giant Man's expression suddenly turned to shock.

Giant Man: W-w-wait! Everyone stop!

Wolverine: What's the big deal now?!

Gaint Man: T-the hunger... It's... It's gone!

Then... Everything fades to black...



Giant Man: Iron Man, Wolverine! Help us stop Hulk!

Then the title "Marvel Zombie" appeared as the title is covered in blood and a faint laughter was heard.

Is it possible... To change? [Alex Mercer and male reader story]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें