Chapter 17: Cortez Rebels against The Leader Of Wakanda?

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This has been the journey so far...

While our heroes awaits for their friends to recover from the hunger, the undead that lurks in space have planned to return to earth

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

While our heroes awaits for their friends to recover from the hunger, the undead that lurks in space have planned to return to earth... And a old friend... Turned into foe.

-Crow Father.

Spiderman: Well... Looks like we ate everything...

Giant man: Damn... Is this it?

Somewhere deep in space, The Zombie Avengers has just finished eating the last living beings on a planet as they were accompanied by three new faces... But sadly the one named Captain America died on earth when you and Alex were in space, waiting. The Zombie heroes now obtain the power of flight after consuming Gulactus, Hulk then whines.

Hulk: Hulk still hungry!

Wolverine: We know big guy, but you heard him, we ate everything!

Luke: What now? It's not like we can travel through dimensions or anything.

All the zombies slowly turns towards Luke as he asked.

Luke: What?

Iron man: That's actually not a bad idea.

Spiderman: Wait!... Didn't the fantastic four did something like this?

Giant man looks at Spiderman and asked with a shocked expression.

Giant man: Your telling me that stupid portal actually worked?!

Spiderman: Well looks like Mr. Fantastic lied to us and decision to ditch us.

Giant man: Then we must head back! That portal machine must still be in the Baxter Building!

Spider man then lands on Giant man's shoulder and spoke.

Spiderman: Then what are we waiting for? Lets go!





(y/n): You can't be serious, right?

Alex: Didn't think he'd go this far.

Forge: Well now it's true, Cortez wants to over throne T'Challa and be the new leader.

You and Alex were following Forge in the hallways of the Wakanda palace after Forge gave news that Cortez wants to get rid of Black Panther or T'Challa.

Alex: But that doesn't make any sense! Why would he overthrow his friend?

(y/n): You don't think it's because he's a zombie now, if so we can just explain that his hunger is no more.

Forge: I'm afraid that won't work.

You looked at Forge with a questionable look and asked.

(y/n): Why not?

Forge: He hated those monsters ever since they killed Magneto, so I'm afraid he'll try and kill T'Challa when he gets the chance.

(y/n): Magneto was like an idol to him or something?

Forge: More like a father figure to him.

Alex: Then we have no choice but to confront him.

(y/n): Oh boy... Really hoping for a swimming trip.

[Timeskip with Alex meeting Crystal,
(y/n)'s first daughter as they decided to have a friendly spare... Only for Alex getting easily defeated as (y/n) laughs at him.]


(y/n): OI!!! YOUR BEING TO LOUD!!!

Cortez was in a middle of convincing the villagers as you interrupted him as Cortez and the villagers that decided to join him looked towards the direction your voice was heard as you stood there with your cloak on as Alex and Forge stood next to you.

Alex: Cortez, is it true, your going to try and get rid of T'Challa?

Cortez: Correct, along with your soulless friend and you!

(y/n): Hey! HEY! I have a soul! *Whisper* Ruby, Weiss, Siesta and Agnes said I have a kind souls... Does that count?

Alex: Look Cortez, T'Challa already chose the next leader to keep order and peace to this village.

Cortez: Oh really? Who?

Alex: Well he's right here.

Alex said as he points right at you as you were taken back by this.


Cortez: So... He chose another monster huh? This is what I was trying to tell you all!

Cortez faces towards his followers as he shouts.

Cortez: They let another monster to take control! Soon they'll turn this place into a feeding ground for them to eat us all!

Alex: Tch really desperate to be leader are you?

Alex said as Cortez turns towards you as his followers grabbed some pitch forks and other dangerous farming tools as you, Alex and Forge got into stance as you look at Forge.

(y/n): Forge! Get inside, we can handle this.

Forge: Alright, try not to kill this people.

Alex: Don't worry, we won't.

Forge then runs towards the palace to alert T'Challa as you look back at Cortez and his followers, things were about to get intense... But a voice stopped all of you.

???: Oops, is this a bad time?

You and Alex see a shadow on the ground as you both looked up, and to your surprise... You didn't expect to see THEM again.

 You didn't expect to see THEM again

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Alex: Ah sh*t...

(y/n): Well... This is going to be a long day.

Then, everything fades to black as the title "Prototype" appeared as the title is covered in blood and tendrils as a faint laughter was heard.

Is it possible... To change? [Alex Mercer and male reader story]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum