Chapter 2: A message?

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Hey guys, sorry if this book is taking long, its not easy making up a story, but I am doing my best, anyways this may be a short chapter cause I would like some sleep, anyways take care and bye bye
______________________________This is our story so far.

Hey guys, sorry if this book is taking long, its not easy making up a story, but I am doing my best, anyways this may be a short chapter cause I would like some sleep, anyways take care and bye bye______________________________This is our story so...

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After my best friend made me something to eat, never thought he'd be a great cook... However, while we were just mining our own business... We received a message from the dead king.

-Alex Mercer.

(y/n): Huh...

Alex: What?

You and Alex were in The apartment building as you two were eating food that you cook, you turn to Alex and spoke.

(y/n): Huh? Oh just wondering if I should add more spiciness to the food next time.

Alex was confused by this, the food is already spicy as it is... Alex just shrugged as he continues to eat as you both were watching television as always.

Alex: I've been thinking...

(y/n): hmm?

You turned back to Alex as you see him looking at his empty plate.

Alex: Are we bad people?

(y/n): *Sigh* still dwelling about the past are you?

Alex: I... Yea.

(y/n): Alex my good friend, we both done terrible things that we regret, but thats the past, please don't think too much of it Alex.

Alex sighed as he stood up and grabbed his plate and walked toward the kitchen and placed the plate on the counter.

Alex: I know... I know... Do you want another beer?

(y/n): Please do mate.

You simply raised your hand as Alex tossed a can of beer as it landed on your hand as you drink the beer.

(y/n): Aahh... Thats the sh*t! My girlfriend would be pissed if I don't bring her one.

Alex turned towards you as he spoke.

Alex: Girlfriend?

(y/n): Yea.

Alex: I never thought you'd get a girlfriend.

You slightly chuckled as you turned around on the couch and spoke.

(y/n): I uh... Have more then one actually.

Alex then gave you this look.

Alex then gave you this look

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Alex: Your kidding right?

You just stare at Alex as he raised both eye brows.

Alex: I'm surprised... Like... Wow...

(y/n): Also... They're the ones who took interest of me...

Alex: Might want to be careful, they might sneak in your room and possibly rape you.

(y/n): Huh... Explains why I didn't feel my legs.

Alex shook his head as he walked back and sat down on the couch.

Alex: Well, At least you can still walk right?

(y/n): Yep...

[Kmock, Knock]

You and Alex looked towards the door as you stoop up and walked towards it.

(y/n): Must be the pizza man.

Alex: You ordered pizza?

(y/n): Nope, just hungry.

You then open the door to see a headless mail man as he kindly gave you a rolled up scroll.

(y/n): Oh thanks.

You closed the door, but before you did that... You pulled out a grenade and placed it on his neck right as he left.

(y/n): *Snickers* this should be good.

Alex: Why did you do that?

(y/n): dont worry about.

You sat back down on the couch as you begin to read the scroll.

(y/n): Ahem! "Dear Mercer, It has come to my attention that the reaper is with you, i would like to ask fot your help, a curtain human realm as lost its human population... However not a single soul arrived here at the kingdom or the resurrection zone, come speak with the counselor for more information." By the dead king?

Alex: Huh... Not a single soul? Hmm...

(y/n): Come on, let me put on some better clothes and see whats going on.

You then walked towards the bathroom, and when you came back you are wearing this.

You then walked towards the bathroom, and when you came back you are wearing this

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(y/n): Ready?

Alex: Lets go i guess...

You and Alex walked out the door and started running from building to building towards the dead king's palace as everything fades to black as the title "Prototype" appeared as the title is covered in blood and tendrils as a faint laughter was heard.

Is it possible... To change? [Alex Mercer and male reader story]Where stories live. Discover now