Chapter 18: The undead heroes has returned!

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This has been the journey so far...

Heroes of the undead has returned for a feast, the Virus and the Reaper must protect humanity once again

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Heroes of the undead has returned for a feast, the Virus and the Reaper must protect humanity once again... But the undead had better plans.

-Crow Father.


Hulk suddenly lands near a group of civilians and grabbed two of them as he immediately chomps down on one of them as you rushed your way to save the other.

(y/n): Not again!

However you were then swatted away by Giant man, you land right on a small market made of wood as Giant immediately grabs Hulk as he shouts.

Giant: Hulk stop!


Giant: We needs these humans alive! Think about it...

He then looks towards the rest of the zombie heroes as he explains.

Giant: If we keep these humans alive, we can make a breeding camp, we can eat forever!

Spiderman: NO!

Suddenly Spiderman fired a cosmic beam at Giant man's head, only burning off half his head, revealing his rotten brains as Spiderman tries to get them to think straight.

Spiderman: Aren't you listening to yourself?! We were heroes! We save people! And now you coming up with a breeding camp?! Coronal America wouldn't agree to this!

Giant was still alive even losing his head, he then spoke.

Giant: Coronal would be proud... SOMEONE KILL THIS LITTLE TWIT!!!

Wolverine was the first lunge towards Spiderman but he wasn't as Luke cage punches Wolverine in the face as Spiderman dodges one of Phoenix's attacks as you looked at Alex.


Alex: Got it!

Alex then sprinted towards the temple as you immediately turned towards Hulk and clashed fists with him as Hulk shouts.


(y/n): Then lets see of that dream comes true you green... Uh... Can't think of an insult right now.


Hulk tries to slam both his fists at you but you immediately blocked them, creating a crater under you as you felt the weight and pain from this.

(y/n): Ok... That felt a lot painful then before! Now die!

You then kicked Hulk in the stomach as he stumbles backwards, giving you a chance to grab his leg and toss him towards Giant man who was about to grab Luke Cage, you then looked towards the two good zombies.

(y/n): Get to the palace! Now!

Luke: You got it! Come on Spidey.

Spiderman: Sounds good to me!

The two then started running towards the Palace as a force field can be seen being activated from the top of the palace as you, Spiderman and Luke got inside the shield.

Spiderman: Glad that worked.

???: You think it was a good idea trapping me inside?

You, Luke and Spiderman looked towards the side to see a Zombie with a mohawk you haven't met as Luke spoke.

Luke: Gladiator?!

Gladiator: Now I'll have my revenge for what you did to my people!

Gladiator attempts to attack you first but you immediately grabbed Gladiator by the head and lifted him off the ground.

Spiderman: Have you been working out?

You then crushed Gladiator's head into pieces as the body drops to the ground, you shake the brains off your hand as you looked towards Spiderman and Luke with a serious face.

(y/n): I swear if this is a trap, your both dead.

Spiderman: It's not a trap... I promise you.

[Timeskip with Spiderman crawling on walls as (y/n) was walking on them while Alex and Luke just pinch the bridge of their noses.]

Janet: (y/n)?

(y/n): Hmm? Oh Wasp!

Janet came running from the palace as she sees you, Luke Cage and Spiderman standing close to the shield, you looked towards the other zombies as Iron man asked.

Iron man: Where did you get this tech?

(y/n): Tch come on, your huge building with your name on it was like a sore thumb waiting to be looted. I thank you tin man.

Giant man turns to his normal size and spoke to his fellow zombie friends.

Giant: Forget them! We didn't came here for them.

Iron man: Your right, we'll be seeing you snacks later.

And with that said, Giant man leads the zombies away as they used their cosmic power which they still have after eating silver surfer.

(y/n): Where are they going?

Spiderman: Well uh... Have I ever heard of the "Baxter Building" before?

You looked at Spiderman and answered.

(y/n): Uh yea, I ran passed that place once, why?

Spiderman: Well... There looking for a device that allows you to travel through dimensions.




(y/n): WHAT?!?!?

Then, everything fades to black as the title "Marvel Zombies" appeared as the title is covered in blood and tendrils as a faint laughter was heard.

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