Chapter 13: Time slips very easily.

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Just thought I'd update this book before i go missing for a week so enjoy! And take care! Love ya!

This has been the journey so far.

The reaper and Mercer remain in new wakanda as they support the villagers as years has past

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The reaper and Mercer remain in new wakanda as they support the villagers as years has past... What new has come to this day?

-Crow father.

Alex: Ok so we brought in those supplies of wheat.

(y/n): Check.

Alex: We scared off some wild animals from destroying anyone's farm.

(y/n): I ate them alive.

Alex: ... Right... And lastly we need to report this to Panther.

(y/n): Sounds good.

Alex: Alright, lets head over... AAAAAAGH!!!!!

You interrupted Alex as you lifted him up like Simba in the lion king as you ran full speed towards Panther's Temple... However you could not see where you are going as you spoke.

(y/n): Hey Alex, mind telling me where I'm going? I can't see.


(y/n): Oh boo hoo, tell me where I'm going?


(y/n): Ok.

And from there, Alex guided you towards the temple while running past some of the  civilians as they wave, moments has past, King T'Challa who is black panther's real name, was talking to Forge about having a new king of new wakanda since T'Challa is well... Aging of course as Forge spoke.

Forge: So... Have you decided who?

T'Challa: No... Sadly I haven't decided.

Forge: What about Alex?

T'Challa: The poor lad still is facing his past... He declined the offer.

Forge: Then what about (y/n)?

T'Challa leans back in his throne as he scratches his chin.

T'Challa: (y/n) is a good friend to me... To you... And to everyone in new wakanda... But he said he'd serve me and the next king, then the next and so forth... He even managed to sneak past the offer... Unless you wish to try and convince him...

???: Even if he tries, (y/n) will still refuse the offer, Panther.

T'Challa and Forge turned to the side to see Wasp, or Janet as she was in her new body as T'Challa's grandson and doctor Reynolds were behind her.

T'Challa and Forge turned to the side to see Wasp, or Janet as she was in her new body as T'Challa's grandson and doctor Reynolds were behind her

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Janet: Trust me, I tried speaking to him about it. No luck.

Forge: Well... This is quite troublesome.

Boy: Hey grandfather! Look what I found while i was out!

T'Challa's grandson then got in front of Janet as he shows a severed head... A zombie-fide Hawkeye's head, surprising T'Challa and Forge.

Hawkeye: Hello... You guys look familiar... Have we met before?

T'Challa: Bring it here son. Be careful.

However the sound of the door being kicked open was heard as everyone turned to see you rushing in as you still carry Alex in your hand as you stopped and dropped Alex to the ground as he grunts.

Alex: Hey! Watch it will you!

(y/n): Ahhh quiet you whining!... Whats with the head?

You said as you pointed at the head of Hawkeye as Alex got up and turned to see it.

(y/n): Wait a minute... Isn't that-

Alex: That's one of the Zombies we came across!

(y/n): Rude... But hey, why not take him towards the lab?

Alex looked at you confusedly as he asked.

Alex: Why?

(y/n): Gotta make sure he isn't gonna bite anyone so I might as well keep a eye on him.

Alex shrugged as he walked towards the boy and gently got the head and went towards your lab.

(y/n): Sorry Panther, seems we'll have to chat some other time.

T'Challa: It's quite alright my friend.

You kindly smiled as you followed Alex, however you stopped as you spotted Janet looking at you as you smiled as she smiled back, you then left the room as Janet turns back as everyone was starring at her as she was startled by this.

Janet: What?

T'Challa: Nothing Wasp... Nothing.

And so, everything fades to black as the title "Prototype" appeared as the title is covered in blood and tendrils as a faint laughter was heard.

Is it possible... To change? [Alex Mercer and male reader story]Where stories live. Discover now